Im 16 years old and im intending to travel to NY.My question is,in the Uk the law age to travel alone is 16 years old,is this the same law in the US.I dont want to travel there and not be allowed to come back because im not at a certain age.Please help
My recommendation is to check with your chosen airline about their regulations. If you are using the same airline for a roundtrip ticket, you should not have any problems. Basically, here in the US, someone 16 years of age can travel freely without parental consent. Most airlines will require an airline attendant assigned to accompany you to your flights, and while on board both ways under the age of 16. Some go as low as 12 years of age.
Will you have someone meeting you at the gate or are you traveling alone on a personal vacation-type thing? Either way, again, depending on the airline, you should not encounter any problems traveling alone. Do the research with the airlines.
It does not really come down to US law but airline regulations. I was able to travel alone when I was 12 as long as someone was at the gate to 'collect' me. That was also quite a long time ago before all the restrictions were put into place.
Thank you very much for the useful advice.Yes,im going to be picked up by family members and the airlines i have checked with allows me to travel alone.Once again your help has been much appreciated.

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