Living here in Melbourne for the next 2 weeks. any advice of anything to do? what are the main clubs/pubs where all the backpackers/young people go?
i want to see this cityyy! pouring down rain today.
anyone else in melb?
Alright Jared
I am also in Melbourne and have been here for 1 week so far and love it! I can't help you out with the night life scene because I havn't experianced it yet but I would love to! I done a tour of the MCG yesterday and that was really good I reccomend doing that! There's also the Victoria Market, Old melbourne gaol and Eureka tower which all look good and I want to do! I have got a 3 day pass of the Australian open aswell which is starting on Monday, so im looking forward to that!
Australian open! whatever you did to get those tickets. I wont ask.
Yes, I plan to see the tower and have been to the markets.
Where are you staying?
I have only got the general admission tickets so I can go and see the outside courts but not the big name players like Nadal and Murray! Only cost me $69 for a 3 day pass! I think im going to the market tonight because its on late which is good! Im staying at the space hotel but then moving on to All nations backpackers on Saturday! Where are you staying?
Hi Jared
Some great bars where you will also find other young people, but which have that quintessential Melbourne feel are the Rooftop Bar at Curtin House, Ponyfish Island on the Yarra River in Southbank and the Emerald Peacock in Lonsdale Street. As for pubs, head down to Brunswick Street in Fitzroy or Smith Street in Collingwood. Lots to choose from!
Melbourne is a great city to just explore and hang out in.
The city bars are mostly hidden so finding them is just as much part of the night out. A lot are around Chinatown and the alleyways around those few blocks.
A site like:
Will give you some name and some vague locations so go see what you can find, most don't look like anything from the outside. There are some themed ones, Croft Institute is like a lab, there's a Berlin bar, there's heaps.
Try and get out of the CBD and explore, its got some good bars etc. but all the character is in the suburbs. Take a tram to Brunswick St, Fitzroy for great for cafes and funky shops. It's the indie kind of area but also has good pubs and bars at night as well. As is Smith St, Collingwood, nearby.
Lygon St, Carlton is near the University, is the Italian street, a good place to go for dinner.
St. Kilda is a tourist favorite, its a nice area on the weekends, as far as beaches go its not the nations best, but the area is busy and lively, great place for coffee and cake.
Melbourne has fantastic food, and a great Asian influence so be sure to sample some of the specialities. You will have notices sushi is a popular city snack and reasonably priced at around $2-2.50. Chinatown has some hidden gems but Thai and Vietnamese are king. For Vietnamese food head towards Victoria St, Richmond which is a bit of a Little Vietnam area. The next major block down in Swan St which also has great shops and cafes and is a nice strip as well.
Flinder's Lane and the CBD laneways are great to explore as well and hide some of the best little cafes and shops. Coffee is a city pride and joy so make sure you sample around.
Have fun exploring.
Ohh, $69 isn't too bad. you'll still have a good time. Care to meet up in the next few days, grab a few beers at one of these bars these guys suggested?
Thank youuu Melb and Regan, very helpful advice on what to do the next couple of weeks!
I know in some cities the night life is the same as it is weekdays vs weekends. Is melbourne's night life still active on the weekdays?
Yeh I thought it was a good price and will keep me busy for a few days! Yeh sounds good buddy, where are you staying at the moment? I went out into the city last night with a couple of guys that had just come down from sydney and said that the nightlife is half as busy then sydney but saying that it was a wednesday! I heard Chapel street in St kilda is good for night life so I might be heading down there soon!
sounds like it will. hopefully we will have some sun next week. right now i am staying up on malvern road which is about 5km from st kilda road. yea, its hard to compare sydney to melbourne though. i was down on docklands last weekend at a bar/club and had a good time.
do you have a phone number? i'm heading out to dinner tonight with some friends but how about friday or saturday?
Hi Jared
We get there in a week or so and are planning to see the tennis also. Tickets were quite easy to get on Has anyone done the Ocean Road drive down to the Apostles? We probably only have a day free to do it and wondering whether it is really worth such a long day?? Have a great time Jared.

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