Any advice about travelling in Myanmar?

Hi everybody!
I am planning a trip of 10 days to Myanmar for next winter, I know it's very short so do you have any advice about the "must see" and how to travel from cities to cities (train/plane?)?

Buying a travel guide will help you with many things. Good for "see and do" things. Good for transportation options, etc.

I started in Yangon and spent the last night there too. For starters look up Mandalay. Also Bagan for Mt. Popa and temples.

Know your visa requirements and read up on currency. (Make Google your friend!)

Good luck.

A great way to see lots of Myanmar is to take a river cruise- it will give you a unique vantage point of the country and give you access to riverside villages and towns, as well as sights that you wouldn't otherwise see!

Any advice about travelling in Myanmar?

Any advice about travelling in Myanmar?

Any advice about travelling in Myanmar?

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