Trip feedback? get lost in the US

Hi everyone
Me and my friends are going to make this trip by the end of September. We're gonna rent a car and drive. We start from NY to Niagara and plan to spend 2 days, 1 night here, then drive to Pittsburgh (stay 1 day)- Philadelphia (stay 1 day) -Washington DC (stay 2 days)- Atlantic City (stay 1day) and back to NY. We have 10 days to spend for this trip. I would be very happy for any suggestions/ recommendation for attraction for these places. I love to take a lot of sightseeing.
Thanks guys


I don't know if you can get on the 'Maid of the Mist' from the US side in Niagara. I have only done it from the Canadian side. It was a real treat for me. On the boat, right at the foot of the falls - A-Mazing.
Try it if you have a chance & the Canadian side views of the falls and Niagara river would be well worth a look too.

I would also suggest you alter your route a trifle and go Pittsburgh - Washington - Philadelphia. Three hours less driving & you don't backtrack.


Since I used to live near Baltimore/Washington DC, let me recommend a few places in these two towns:

Washington DC--
(1) Lincoln Memorial
(2) Bureau of Printing and Engraving (amazing to see how they print and control the money supply)
(3) Air/Space Museum (most visited building in the US)
(4) US Capitol
(5) Washington Train station (most impressive building in Washington DC and just a block north of the US Capitol
(6) US Supreme Court building (across the street from the Capitol)
(7) Natural History Museum (check out the dinosaurs and the gem collection)

(1) Inner Harbor area--particularly try to go to Phillips Seafood (go to where you can actually sit down and eat, and not the take-out spot).
(2) Fells Point for restaurants and pubs
(3) Little Italy
(4) if you can get tickets, (very difficult), the playoffs start next week and the Baltimore Orioles are one of the favorites to win this year's baseball championship. The Washington Nationals (from Washington DC) are one of the other favorites, but I would prefer to go watch a game in Baltimore since the stadium is much better--and just a few blocks from the Inner Harbor--and also has a great barbeque sandwich spot.

Forgot to mention some places in New York

(1) Statue of Liberty--ferries leave from lower Manhattan
(2) Times Square (just north of where 42nd street meets Broadway)
(3) Take in a Broadway show. The 1/2 price ticket office for same-day shows is in Times Square.
(4) Bryant Park--6th street between 40th street and 42nd street
(5) Rockefeller Center and its ice-skating rink--Just west of 5th Avenue between 47th and 50th streets (this is a place to go at Christmas--probably not much to see in September).
(6) Freedom Tower--lower Manhattan. It is the tallest building in lower Manhattan so you can't miss it. It was built on the site of where the original World Trade Towers were before they were destroyed by the terrorists slamming jumbo jets into them on September 11, 2001. The memorial to that event is at the same location.
(7) Jewelry district (next to Rockefeller Center)--on 47th street between 5th avenue and 6th avenue. Best bargains on jewelry anywhere in the US (but still not cheap).

Great advice
Thanks all

Trip feedback? get lost in the US

Trip feedback? get lost in the US

Trip feedback? get lost in the US

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