Moving to Sydney January 2015

Hi I've never done any travelling other than European holidays, but I've now decided to take the jump and go to Sydney in January 2015. The thought of getting myself to the other side of the world without anyone to keep me sane is very daunting. I'll probably stay with family when I first arrive then go off and do the whole hostel/travel doubt there will be some fruit picking involved as well.

Hi Nikki!

I have similar plans to you, I'm flying into Sydney on December 29th and I'll be staying with family for 2 or 3 weeks and then i'll be on my own! How long are you staying for? Have you booked into any hostels or anything yet? I've barely planned anything yet, i don't know where to start!


Il b in Sydney at that point. I go to oz tomorrow but il b in Sydney over Christmas x

Hey, I've just booked my flight to Sydney, get there on january 8th and just booked myself into a hostel for a week. Hoping to make friends within that week and see the sights with people.

Laura x

Hey I am doing a similar thing to you guys, I havent booked flights or anything yet but have family in melbourne so hoping to stay there for a week or so along the way, sydney seems to be a popular place to start, have you guys all booked accomodation before arrival or just going to find something when you arrive, Ive travelled Thailand recently with a friend and lived in america but never travelled alone if anyone has any tips on places to stay etc please share!!! so scared of arriving and not knowing anyone x x x

I'm staying at Bounce hostel for a week, it's right next to Sydney central station but have no plans after that! It's all scary doing it alone, I just hope I meet people who kinda want to do the same thing so I get to see places xx

I'll be flyning to Sydney on the 26th then shooting up the East Coast gradually checking out places on the way . It seems like ALOT of people are gunna be in Australia on their own so i'm quite positive it'll be easy to meet people in the same boat!

Hi all,

Just booked my flight over tonight, eek. I arrive in Sydney from Newcastle late on Dec 29th. Not booked any hostels yet, going to stay with a friend until about 3rd Jan then will find a hostel. Looking to find others who are looking to travel the east coast initially then no firm plans after that.

Look forward to hearing from you all,

Hi Everyone!
I arrive in Sydney on the 19th January after flying from Manchester on a working holiday visa. I will also be coming alone and im feeling really nervous about it as ive never travelled alone before! I have not booked a hostal yet as im unsure about which one to book, does anyone have any recommendations? I really want to travel along the east coast and do the whole travelling thing before i eventually try to find an apartment and work, but i have no firm plans about where i want to go yet . If anyone wants to chat add me on facebook my name is Kayleigh Jade Cheyne xxx

I also haven't booked a hostel up yet but was thinking of one called 'bounce' - I'm planning what would be the best way to travel up the East Coast at the minute (buses, trains, campervans) any thoughts people?

Moving to Sydney January 2015

Moving to Sydney January 2015

Moving to Sydney January 2015

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