How can i contact AirFrance when their call center is busy?

Hello every one!
I was supposed to travel to Paris tomorrow but my flight might be canceled!
I tried to call their call-center but after 15 minutes waiting i give up!
Does anyone knows another phone number than 3654?

You should insist as it is the right call number. They just have to face all passengers requests as I heard they cancelled 60 % of flights because of the pilots strike.

Last year I could not reach the standard because of a technical problem, an employee of Charles de Gaulle airport gave me this phone number +33 9 53 45 67 82 , it was such a great help.
If you insist a bit they are efficient !
Hope you will manage to solve your problem.


[ 22-Sep-2014, at 10:14 by valentina.mor ]

How can i contact AirFrance when their call center is busy?

How can i contact AirFrance when their call center is busy?

How can i contact AirFrance when their call center is busy?

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