Photos in the correct location & in the wrong country

I have some examples of photos mapped at their correct places ( I checked editing their locations) which appear in the wrong country.
It occurs when the location is close to the border.
For example pictures taken in Masai Mara, Kenya appear in Tanzania
Pictures at Laguna Verde (Bolivia) appear in Chile.
And so on...

Unfortunately this is a , which is proving trickier to fix than I'm sure Peter (the admin here) would've preferred.
We had a server upgrade last month, which (I think) also included an upgrade to some technology which should make it possible to squash this once and for all (at least, that was the hope 2-3 months ago), but I haven't heard anything yet about if/when that'll actually prove to be true.

Keeping my fingers crossed for a real final fix sometime in the not-too-distant future.

Unfortunately that was a different server.

Sorry, this bug drives me crazy too!

I have some examples of photos mapped at their correct places ( I checked editing their locations) which appear in the wrong country.
It occurs when the location is close to the border.
For example pictures taken in Masai Mara, Kenya appear in Tanzania
Pictures at Laguna Verde (Bolivia) appear in Chile.
And so on...

Is there a way to correct this ? to force the country ? I would like to access my photos with the correct countries filter.


I had the same problem with photos near the border of Belize, and TP saying they were in Guatemala.

I dragged the pointer slightly further into Belize and saved. The place was a bit off but the country now shows as Belize.

Not great - but may meet your needs.


This bugs drove me crazy too and I had some sessions with Peter on different borders.

I'm not sure but I think the problem is the way the mapping is done. Coordinates are always mapped to addresses. And this mapping fails very often at borders. Additionally not every address is mapped to the correct country. Perhaps is a mix from to many different sources of information which are not harmonized.

In the very early times of Travellerspoint I was able to add coordinates as Stops directly. Now I always have to find an address and than can change to coordinates. But these coordinates are NOT used to find a country. I think their are mapped back to addresses and than shit happens again.

The mapping feature was very good in early days of Travellerspoint and then sometimes it changed dramatically.

The problem actually does happen when the coordinates are used to find the country. This is specifically related to the version of the database not supporting functionality that we need. Even more specifically, .

The current way of working is really a slow hack that works around this lacking functionality and it's clearly failing on quite a few queries.

It did used to work differently, but that too had its issues - mainly slow downs and more failed saves.

Ups... ok now I understand the exact problem.

Naturally MySQL is probably not the best choice for geo spatial applications but very often used. PostGIS might be more mature and specialized and is de facto standard for most apps like this. But I know... the migration is lots of work and really challenging with a live app.

Do you use MySql 5.6.1 which works instead of MBR with exact polygons?

I'm sure you read .

Yeah, the key problem being we're on 5.5 so we can't use those functions until we've upgraded to 5.6.

Currently we're using a custom function to get around this, but it's obviously buggy (as well as being quite a bit slower than the 5.6 native functions).

Photos in the correct location & in the wrong country

Photos in the correct location & in the wrong country

Photos in the correct location & in the wrong country

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