To travel and pack everything in or not?

Hi all,
I have a dilemma. I am finding it so hard to decide what to do. At the end of 2013 I went to Thailand for 5 weeks and just traveled around Thailand. It's now nearly a year later and ever since I returned I have wanted nothing more then to go back and see more!
Here's the thing I want to go back at the end of 2015 for 4-6 months and travel as much of Asia as possible starting in Singapore working north. With a month on top for volunteering at a pet sanctuary in Koh lanta.
I am a trained engineer so will be chucking away a decent paid job. I would like to think on return it wouldn't be that hard to find another job as I am trained in a specialist field. I'm 24 at the moment and will be 26 once I get back with no job no money and still living at home (I live at home now ).

Sounds like you feel confident about getting a new job afterwards and you're looking for support for your decision to travel? Well of course you're going to get that on a travel forum :-)

You're only here once, do it right and enjoy it.

Just bear in mind the length of time you've been in your job and whether you may look unreliable to a future employer. Can you talk to them about unpaid leave or career breaks, or must you quit?

You're in the very same situation that countless people your age face - "Should I Stay or Should I Go?" as Mick Jones would say...

And I suspect you already know the answer... it's up to you, Jamie. No one else can make that decission for you.


Your both right it's my decision and I probably do just want people to tell me to go.

However it would be great to have someone's input who been in my shoes and has experienced it already.

Also I have asked my boss but he has not replied (he likes to do that) also it's a relatively small company so the chances are very slim.

Thanks j

[ 19-Sep-2014, at 01:45 by meadsy5 ]

It’s only a job - you’ll find another. Hundreds of people of your age do it ever year. I did it five years ago when I was 30.

You can search and search all you want for other people’s advice, but as you say that doesn’t really matter as it is up to you.

The mere fact you have even found your way here to ask the question indicates to me that you want to do this, so do it.

[ 19-Sep-2014, at 01:58 by Steve79 ]

If you don't... is it something you'll regret?

But really, 4-7 months travel is not an outrageous break to take. In some situations travel (and volunteering!) can be advantageous for your CV – adaptability, responsibility, time management, problem solving, teamwork, etc – so don't discount what the experience will give to you.

As for career status, I believe the stats are that our generation will have 5 careers over their lifetime. My current (and favourite) started when I was 27. I'm also about to travel for 6 months and am limited to that time frame in my chosen country because I missed my chance to go for a longer visa when I was younger.

Thanks all.
Thankyou kelliebarnes that was really helpful!
Sounds like my worries are really nothing. Possibly just a bit scared sacking it all in and having nothing on return.
But I'm going to take the leap and do it only live once don't want regrets when I'm not able to possibly do it.


Awesome! *high five*

Have a fantastic time and do check back to let us know how you get on!


Take the leap and go. You are only in your 20s and guess there is no serious attachment so before this does happen see and travel as much as you can. I never started earlier enough and was in my 50s before I took the plunge and now go where I possibly can. I have seen and done and met so many people in the last 10 years and hoping on at least a further 10 - 15 years of travel.
Go and enjoy while you can, there will always be a job somewhere doing something.

To travel and pack everything in or not?

To travel and pack everything in or not?

To travel and pack everything in or not?

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