Looking for a travel companion in Malta (Autumn 2014)

Hedwige91 has indicated that this thread is about Malta


I am a resident in Malta, here the best thing to do is rent a car or a Vespa for transport it is easier and more efficient than the bus system. Below I am sending you some places where you can go, these places are beautifull and full of natural habitat, untouched. You can find them on Google Maps.

  • Fomm ir-Riħ Bay, Golden Bay, Gnejna Bay, Dingli Cliffs, Mdina (Medieval City) --> Malta
  • Ramla l-Hamra, Hondoq Rummien, Dwejra, Citadella --> Gozo

If you need further information let me know,



Thank you very much for your advice I will definitely check them out! I'm in the middle of planning of what to see over here.

Thanks for the advice again!

If you need more details or if you come and you don't know where to go send me an email and i will be glad to give you more advices on where to. This island is full of sea, sun and adventure.

HAVE FUN !!! and enjoy every second of it.

Looking for a travel companion in Malta (Autumn 2014)

Looking for a travel companion in Malta (Autumn 2014)

Looking for a travel companion in Malta (Autumn 2014)

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