Greek Islands - Suggestions on which island to go first

Planning to do a trip that starts in Athens and then to Crete, Rhodes, and Santorini. I'd like advice in what order to do each island. Or does it really not matter?
The plan is to fly to each island, except it looks like a ferry from Heraklion to Santorini is a way to avoid a plane.
Thank you!

I see on your other post that you plan 5-8 days for all those destinations. Does not makes much sense to me.

Crete covers 8,336 km2 (3,219 sq mi)

Rhodes covers 1,407.9 km2 (544 sq mi)

Santorini covers 90,69 km2 (35 sq mi)

Even tiny Santorini deserves at least 3 nights/2 days to take in the views, visit a winery or two, at least check the very important Akrotiri archeological site etc.

Important info missing: WHEN you plan this trip for? This influences your transport options. Even if there are direct flights, you will miss at least half day on packing/unpacking, checking in/out of hotels and so on. Heraklion to Santorini fast ferry is a season one, usually stopping sometime on middle October. Then there is a sloooooowwwww ferry once a week or so connecting Crete to Santorini. Most interisland flights are seasonal too.

Planning to do a trip that starts in Athens and then to Crete, Rhodes, and Santorini. I'd like advice in what order to do each island. Or does it really not matter?
The plan is to fly to each island, except it looks like a ferry from Heraklion to Santorini is a way to avoid a plane.
Thank you!

I don't think the order would matter. Why, what is important for you?

Check the transportation possibilities, the prices and build your trip according to that. I'd personally pick the cheapest ways and would put together an itinerary.

alexandrosm posted nearly 2 months ago and never came back on this board.

Greek Islands - Suggestions on which island to go first

Greek Islands - Suggestions on which island to go first

Greek Islands - Suggestions on which island to go first

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