Australia Oct 2015 Solo Traveller (aaaahhhh!!!!)

Hey Everyone,

Hey Sophie,

Im going to Oz September to June and starting off my journey in Brisbane, stopping there for a couple of months but going to look to spend most of my time in Sydney. How long are you looking at going for?

Like you, I've never travelled on my own & haven't lived on my own as of yet, so im obviously crazy excited for the independence.


Hi Luke!
I will be applying for a 12 month WHV and see where I go from there really. Don't have a definite plan to be honest but it seems that Sydney is a good starting point and I been given some advice from friends already in Aus for some Hostels to stay in that are good bases and places to meet other people.

I still cant quite believe I have the balls to go on my own but hey why not! Do you have all your flights booked?


Yeah I think Sydney is probably the best place to start, I think I'm only starting my journey in Brisbane because I've got family friends there to help me settle a bit, and one of my friends will have been there for nearly a year, so i'll be able to get loads of tips, I hope. Another one of my friends is going to start studying in Sydney for a year in june, so I should hopefully be well prepared by the time I come out.

Me too, to say ive not travelled or lift alone yet its quite a massive jump but at the moment im more excited than I am scared about it. And yes kinda, they're getting finalised towards the end of this week but should be travelling out in first week of September and coming home in the middle of June. Are you going to be working whilst you're out there or just travelling?

Yeah My plan is to get some work in Sydney possibly but maybe more on the move, some farm work and so on, all depends on how fast my money starts to run out and according to others that could be quite quickly in Aus.

Did you book everything on your own or through a company? I have looked at using STA travel.

Yesssss I've heard that as well, although I've heard that the pay's better over there too, she if you budget yourself properly then surely you'd be orite. I definitely want to get my farm work done though so I'm able to get a 2nd working holiday visa.

Sort of on my own. I did my visa by myself, but my mum used to work with someone who did loads of global flights for the company she worked for, so we've gone through him so I haven't had to worry about sorting flights out. And I was going to look at doing something like STA for when I got there to set myself up but I'm not overly sure. I imagine it'd be good for like meeting people and getting to know the place, but other than that I'm guessing you'd be able to sort all the other stuff yourself fairly easily, and there's always people on here that can help?

I found some good deals on STA so I will most probably book with them! There is so much to think about i feel like I am being naive about it all. The more I think about it the more excited/nervous I get!

Nice one!! There's one I can do in Brisbane but I'm yet to decide if its worth going but we'll see.

I know, I've got my visa and flights sorted, my next step is to sort out travel insurance for when I'm out there. Once I've got them all sorted I think I'm all set just need to look at hostel and travel prices but I've already done a bit of looking into all that. I'm just really excited for it at the moment, don't think i'll get nervous till closer to the time when I leave work and start getting all my bits and bobs together. But in truth, I just cant wait to get out there!!!


I am travelling out to OZ solo end of July on a WHV, I will be starting in Sydney, working for a while. Then travelling up the east coast.


Hi!!! I am also thinking of going in September to Sydney perhaps the beginning of the month. Still trying to save and all that, I have being looking for flights and everything just don't know whether to do it on my own or go with the company gap360 .
I have been told not to bother with a company as you can find a job and organise your own travel out there it's just a bit scary all on your own!!

Australia Oct 2015 Solo Traveller (aaaahhhh!!!!)

Australia Oct 2015 Solo Traveller (aaaahhhh!!!!)

Australia Oct 2015 Solo Traveller (aaaahhhh!!!!)

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