I completed a blog when I travelled last year. I am leaving for another trip in a couple of days and I can't work out how to start a blog for this trip, using a different Blog Title to the first one but the same Blog Domain. Is there a way to do this?
Not without admin help, I don't think, and I'd advise against it.
You can't run two "distinct" blogs on the same domain, obviously.
As designed, the blog system assumes that most blogs will be trip-agnostic. That is, that people will put all of their travels in the same blog. And you can do that, actually. Just change the title of the blog to something relevant for the new trip (or to something generic enough to cover all your trips to come), and start posting new blog entries to it. (Maybe change the titles of your previous blogposts slightly to make it clearer they were about an old trip; just including the year in brackets would do.)
Easiest to achieve what you specify above, would be to change the domain of your current blog (which you can do on the settings page), and then create a new blog with your old domain. However, I believe the original domain of your blog will remain reserved as having previously been used (so that it can't be hijacked), and I think (but could be wrong) that it needs an admin to free it up so you can use it again (that is, even though it's your "own" domain, I don't think you can claim it yourself - but it'd need Peter to confirm or deny this).
Additionally, I'd also personally advice against doing this. There'll be people who have bookmarked and linked to particular blogposts from your previous trip, and might want to refer to them again in the future. If you change the domain, all of those bookmarks and links will stop working.
The other alternative - and most doable - would be to start a blog on a new domain after all. Communicate that new domain to all your family and friends, and create a last blogpost on the old blog, saying something like "To read about my travels to [destination] in 2015, see here: [link to new domain]".
Thank you for your quick response.
It seems I can't do separate blogs for each trip. So I can follow on with entries from my last trip, but when I change anything in settings (new blog title, map etc) it is also changed on all my old entries.
Or I can rejoin with a new domain name but then I would have to do that when I travel each year.
You should totally be able to create a new blog! I think the limit for "Budding Members" is up to 5 blogs, but this can increase all the way to up to 50 if you become a bit more active on the rest of the site outside the blogs and gain a higher title. (Actually, I don't understand why you don't have one already; with so many blog posts and photos, I'd have expected you to have left Budding Member behind long ago... But never mind that, the algorithm behind that all is a bit obscure.)
Can you visit ? That should allow you to create a new blog. If it doesn't, please report here and we'll see if we can get Peter to have a look at it to fix that.
[ 14-Jun-2015, at 06:18 by Sander ]
Yeah, you should be able to create a new blog under your current account. It can't have the same domain. If that were the case, then it would be removing the previous blog as a URL can only ever point to one distinct page.
So you need to just create a new blog (under your current account) with a new domain and title.
Either that or add new entries to your exisiting blog.
Thanks for the advice. I want to continue to use the name MissWalker so will just continue with the existing blog and delete the map.

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