Joeshua has indicated that this thread is about USA
Josh & Joe,
I will let others answer visa questions. I will send you a PM concerning buying, registering a vehicle.
Hundreds of hours of research? Take 5 minutes and read the Frequently Asked Questions about the VWP again.
It clearly states that side trips to Canada, Mexico and nearby islands counts towards the 90 days you're allowed - the clock does NOT stop ticking just because you left the US. And no, outside of a genuine emergency extensions are not allowed.
Hundreds of hours of research? Take 5 minutes and read the Frequently Asked Questions about the VWP again.
It clearly states that side trips to Canada, Mexico and nearby islands counts towards the 90 days you're allowed - the clock does NOT stop ticking just because you left the US
We did read that, We knew that going to Canada inside the original 90 days would not be an option because it would eat into our 90 day limit, that's why we asked about AFTER the 90 days. Thanks for trying to help anyway!
Josh & Joe,
I will let others answer visa questions. I will send you a PM concerning buying, registering a vehicle.
Thanks Mike!!! Read your PM, it was great, will PM you back!!
Thanks all for the info.
The VISA (or VWP) situation is that we will probably try and apply for a B2 VISA which will allow us up to 6 months, which is much better for our situation. However the US Embassy website is pretty poor, it tells you a few criteria for eligibility, but i feel i need to call them or make an appointment in person to really talk through what we want and the best way to go about it. I wouldn't want to just do an online application, have it rejected, then be stuck.
The RV is looking worse... We have to take comments from US citizens about the weather in winter seriously (come on, living in the UK we don't really experience proper seasons, just different shades of grey!). Have had some excellent emails from some current residents offering their help (also posted on other forum).
However, im now working out the finances and options for a trip without an RV - does anyone have any better ideas about how we can see everything, without driving it in a motor home (comparable or cheaper costs welcome!).
Again, thanks for your help! Anyone who i thinking about doing the same, let us know - it would be great to talk about our plans and possibly meet some of you!
However, im now working out the finances and options for a trip without an RV - does anyone have any better ideas about how we can see everything, without driving it in a motor home (comparable or cheaper costs welcome!).
I sent you my thoughts on buying an RV versus minivan. Buying a minivan will save you thousands of USD IMO.
It is Amazing idea to road trip USA.It is better way to experience the charming waterfront towns, stunning vistas and rugged cliffs that dot America’s varied landscape than from behind the wheel of an automobile.
RV's will generally cost more than motels due to cost of vehicle, gas and parking costs. Selling it may be a problem. If there are only two of you then a cheap rental car is adequate. I just rented a minivan (most expensive level) in Alaska for10 days for 450.00 - car would be cheaper but even at $1000.00 per month, you are better off than buying a junker or RV. Plan to save money by shopping in grocery stores, and eating picnic style at rest areas, parks or even parking lots. Some Homewood suites are reasonable (check the outlying areas) and provide both breakfast every day and dinner Mon through Thur. Check trip advisor for comments on motels as to quality. Priceline is also good for last minute reduced rates if you know where you will be, and don't care about name brands (just pick your star level - 3 or higher is safe). Many motels have microwaves and refrigerators, and you can prepare simple meals in the room...eating out is one of the biggest costs. Save for special meals out. Eating out for big meal for lunch will save several dollars for same meal rather than dinner. Use app Gas Buddy to find cheap gas in an area - we saved 40 cents a gallon driving 5 miles further. Buy a golden eagle pass to National parks if you plan to visit many of them - can save a fortune (only one is needed per car). Check admission rates and compare the number you plan to visit against the cost of pass. If you plan to travel for 90 days, keep a journal, and spend one day every 10 days or so doing nothing to allow your mind and body to catch up. The days run into each other, and you can't absorb everything. Let us know where you want to go, and what to see so we can all offer suggestions about the areas, and realistic times. For instance if you plan to go to Sequoia in CA, it seems to be just a short drive into the park, but after entering the park entrance, it is almost an hour drive just to get to the big trees. White Sands Monument is great for sand surfing if you get there early enough to get a sled from the visitor center. Everglades, take lots of bug spray, etc. Have a great time.

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