A Request to the Travellers Point Moderators

Hi Travellerspoint moderators,

Hi Nick

It might be a good idea to contact either Peter or Sam (the admins) directly about this, in case they don't see this post.

[ 16-Nov-2015, at 05:42 by bex76 ]

The policy about questionnaires used to be "", but recently the got updated to just a plain "no":

4. NO survey links. If you want to ask a question, ask it in the thread. Don't direct people to a survey on another site.

I understand that a survey makes it easy to tabulate and cross-reference results, but I kinda doubt you'd get enough response on a survey thread to make that really worthwhile, so would just recommend posting a regular thread with your questions, and ask people to respond in-thread.

(Except if you think that most potential respondents would answer if their answers were "anonymous", but wouldn't post in a public thread? In that case, contacting Peter would indeed be the way forward. Being an established member here certainly is a major point in your favour...)

Thanks Bex and Sander - really appreciate your responses and will most definitely contact Sam and Peter!

I know it's not the preferred option but I'd like to keep the survey link available as firstly I've already created the survey and secondly as the variety of scales and methods that I've created would enable me to analyse results better and share my findings in a more effective way with everyone.

It would be my primary intention to make it as clear as possible what the questionnaire is about, what it is for and what it will consist of (e.g. 10 short questions). I'm hoping that if I do this then anyone who is interested can participate and those that are not can simply ignore the posting. I'll obviously wait to hear back from Sam or Peter though to see what they think.

Also - I know that there's a good chance that I won't get many responses but I'd like to try (even if just a handful of people answer it I'd find that interesting!) and I may be naive in thinking so but I like to think that people would be interested in participating in something like this - after all I was interested enough to spend time creating questions and contacting you guys! I would of course share the survey with you moderators in advance of any posting to ensure that you're happy with it. I'll just wait to hear back from the others.

Once again - THANK YOU! :-)

Hi Nick, I've actually pretty much been saying no to all survey requests, but given the fact that you have been a member for a while and that the topic is something I'd actually be interested in learning the findings of, I'm ok with it

Thanks Sam - this is great news!!! :-)

I can either send you the survey in advance or just post it directly - please let me know which you'd prefer me to do. Also I imagine I'd get most responses by posting in multiple forums but know this clogs up forums and is not good for you - so I imagine the 'General Talk' forum would be the best place to post this? Would you be happy with that?

Thanks again!

A Request to the Travellers Point Moderators

A Request to the Travellers Point Moderators

A Request to the Travellers Point Moderators

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