Hey everyone,
I plan to travel to amsterdam around 11th-june.
I am traveling from USA for 2 weeks and plan to cover amsterdam, brussels, berlin, vienna, prague.
My skype id is: -snip-
since this is my first time in Europe i would love to meet people and explore the city together.
why dont you add me in skype and we can share any information we receive from other users
[ , no personal details please. ]
Hi hi!
I think it is possible to do all those countries in 14 days althow I am not convinced that you will see all you need to see if you drive through so fast .
Depending on where you come from Afrika You would land in Spain or Italy I guess. So best ist to drive Spain - France - Germany - Italy or reverse.
I guess 3 weeks would be better for this trip if you haven´t seen anything of these countries yet. What are the plans for accommodation?
If you give me more details I can help more, let me know.
Hi Jolien,
Thanks for your feedback.
Actually I have not really plan for my Europe trip yet
I do wish I can drive but I do not have any driving licence.
Actually I hope to find people who are also interested to go
backpacking to Europe and join me in my trip .
I am trying to get my friends to join but no good response so far.
thanks for the reply. i am actually coming from USA, so thinking of going to amsterdam.
i want to drive on german autobahn, so thinking of doing that as well.
i also plan to visit brussels, budapest, bratislava, prague and finally vienna
on of my friends stays there so thinking of leaving from there.
i am really keen to try the coffee shops where they serve brownies and cakes
i you know anyone in amsterdam who can show me the night life nothing like it or if you can give me few pointers on some good places to stay and night clubs nearby, nothing like that
i would not like to spend much on accomodation, so living in hostels is cool
i have also registered in couchsurfing and am hoping that someone will host me
if you have skype, add me: -snip-
[ , no personal details please. ]
Hi Rahulgos!
Well the cities you want to visit are quit interesting. I am now working in Barcelona but soon I return to Belgium.
About the cities:
Last year I have been to Berlin and it is awesome, in Berlin I can recommend you the Watergate as Disco. I didn´t go myself but my friends went there and it was so good that they went back by car this year. I stayed 8 days in Berlin and we partied allot but also saw allot of the city. If you are not staying so long it might be interesting to take a touristbus to make sure you see everything.
Brussels: Brussels is the capital of Belgium but also of Europe and is the headquarter of a lot of international organizisations. If you want to be the tourist and say that you been to Brussels you can go but maybe Antwerp is more interesting and more beautiful. Those are the 2 biggest cities along with the beautiful Bruges and Gent(were I still have to go once myself). I live in Leuven, a big student city with allot of history aswell but it is not as big as Brussels or Antwerp. But if you want to know the real Belgium I can recommend you to visit Leuven rather than Brussels (Leuven is only at 20 min from Brussels).
Vienna: Heard it is really beautiful and I have a friend living there. A lot of culture and history to be found there.
Prague: Friends of me went to visit it a few weeks ago and they just loved it!
Amsterdam: Very close to Belgium but I have never been there. Have met a lot of people here in Barcelona who are from the Netherlands and Amsterdam and a Collegue went on a citytrip a few weeks ago. She told me it was really awesome and that it is really worth visiting. The people are also very nice and open and speak very good English so that won´t be any problem.
If you are still looking for cheap accommodation for that time I can recommend you this website: -snip-
If you have more questions I will be happy to help. Please let me know if my information was helpfull.
Thanks for the response. There was quite some thought provoking moments in past couple of days on whether I could make it to europe or not.
The good new is that I finally booked my tickets yesterday. I am leaving from Raleigh, North Carolina, USA on 11th-June and reaching Amsterdam on 12th-June afternoon.
I am returning from Vienna, Austria on 27th-June to Raleigh.
I do plan to take all the tourist packages during daytime.
I have noted the places you have mentioned and will see how best i can utilize my time to see them.
You mention that you have a friend in vienna can you ask him/her if they can be available when im there in case i need any tips.
I somehow want to squeeze my schedule so as to drive on german autobahn (If affordable)
Once I finalize my exact plan I will they hunt for hotels/hostels/couch surfers for accommodation. Link that you provided was really helpful.
1. I only know English. How much is language going to be a barrier in europe.
2. I don't eat meat (I do eggs). How much is food going to be a problem there.
I plan to start a new thread so that I can get all the answers in one place
Thanks a lot Jolien for taking out time to assist me

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