Going for a year or going for 4 weeks - it doesn't matter, you use the same size.
When going for 4 weeks you pack enough clothes for 10 days and wash when everything is dirty. When you go for a year you use the same method. The only real difference is that you might have to replace your things on the road, ie buy 2-3 new t-shirts and throw the old ones away because they are worn through.
A larger backpack is not justfied by the length of the trip but by going to cold climates. Clothes for cold climates are bulkier and need more room than t-shirts and shorts.
So how large your backback needs to be depends heavily on where you are going and when.
I am leaving the UK in June and I think the weather will be good as I am following the sun so i wont need any bulky items.
If this is really the case you should do fine with a 40 liter backpack.
You could try the Berghaus W Verden 45+8, the size is right and I know that Berghaus makes good quality. The Berghaus Jalan 55 +15 that is so commonly recommended is way too big. (55+15=70 liters, you only need this much space if you take a tent, sleeping bag, mattress and food for 3-4 weeks because you plan to go hiking in Alaska or so.)
As alternatives try the Deuter ACT Lite 45+10 SL, the Deuter Futura Vario 40+10, Eagle Creek Truist 45 L, Lowe Alpine Crossvent 45+10, Lowe Alpine Zepton 50 XL, Osprey Kestrel 48 and 58, Tatonka Luna 42, Vaude Rock 45+10, Kaikkialla Sonna 50 Womens.
I know that in the shop these backpacks will look as if they aren't big enough for all the things you need during a year-long trip. But I can assure you: unless you want your backpack to be a burden hindering your drive to explore you better take a backpack that is significantly smaller than 50 liters.
You should also try the backpack on with weights. If possible mail order a bunch of backpacks and then try them on at home. Load them down with 10+ kgs and try walking with every one of them for more than 20 minutes. It is the best way to see whether a backpack is right for you.
I am currently on a year long trip with my husband. What ever you do, don't take too much-you'll regret it!! Especially when you are tarvellign for a year Best to take a sleeping bag-but you can get really small ones-that tie onto your back pack. Don't take a pillow-but maybe a blow up one-for trains and flights ect.
For more information go to our travel blog-you can learn from our mistakes
Good luck
I'll agree with the last couple of posts. Don't take too much. Get a smaller pack, you'll appreciate it when your trying to squeeze through crowds, load it onto tight luggage racks and wandering through towns. It's one of those strange laws too, if you have space in your pack, you will somehow fill it... A small pack will make you a bit more ruthless with how you pack, what you buy while your travelling and what you throw away along the way.
Especially as you will only be in warm climates, a big bag is unnecessary.

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