Hello! My name is Michelle, i am 21 years old and currently living in Leeds.
I am hoping to fly out to Sydney in September this year on a working holiday visa for a year!
I will have money to take with me but would also like to settle and get a job for a few months.
My plan at the moment is to fly out at the end of September, stay in a hostel for the first few weeks until i find a job then take it from there.
I would also like to see more of Austrlaia whilst i am there but to start with i would need to work and save a bit of money!
I do have some friends who are already travelling around Australia and they have all said staying in hostels for the first few weeks is the best way to meet new people, who are also in the same situation.
It has been my dream for a while now to travel and work in australia but i have always had something going on or other commitments!
I am absolutely scared to death of travelling all by myself but i dont have any friends that are currently in a position to go! So if i dont do it now alone i probably never will.
I am an out going girl, love going out with my friends and socialising!!
If there is anyone in the same situation as me then please drop me an message and get in touch!!
Hi Michelle
i am in the same situation as you, i will be travelling on my own for a year and my plan is to arrive in Oz at the begining of August and do my first week with Ozintro which starts in sydney so im not completely on my own, i reckon the hardest part will be getting on the plane by myself!!
im sure we will be fine and it will be one the best things we could ever do
Hi Rachel
Yes getting on the plane will be the hardest thing i think!!
I think once we are there though and have met people it will be much easier!!
Can i ask how old you are?
Would you prefer to go alone or are you wanting someone to travel with?
Michelle x
im 24 but will be 25 when i go, i dont really have a choice about travelling on my own - all my friends are either at uni, starting families or saving for houses, travelling is something i really want to do so i dont really have a choice but to go on my own!!
although i think it would be easier if you knew someone to go with!
but im sure most people over there started on their own and there are so many people to meet.
have you got any work sorted when your out there or will you just see whats about when you need to work?
Rach x
Hi guys! I'm planning on heading out to Oz in November this year, I'm glad to see I'm not the only one going on my own! Do you both have definite dates when you're flying out? I'd love some company and a friendly face! Geraldine x
Hi guys!
No I haven't sorted any sort of work out yet, I think that is something I will do once I get there!
I haven't got exact datrs of when I'm going to fly out there yet, but I was thinking the end of September.
I would much rather travel with someone as the thought of doing it alone is quite scary!!
So if either of you want to add me on facebook and talk more about it you can do!
Even if it was an option of meeting up once we are out there, would be really good to have someone there doing the same thing! :-)
If you do want to add me on facebook my name is michelle young. X
If you are scary to go allone, take a self defence course and go to a woman only hostel. So you have a good way to protect yourselfe.
Have you decided what you will be taking with you - a suitcase or backpack - i think this is quite hard to choose as loads of people are saying its best to take something with wheels!! i have no idea!!
Hi Rach
I will also be travelling alone, and i am taking with me a 100L holdall on wheels, could not face the thought of a backpack!! lol!! By the time youve packed the make-up and the ghd's it would be full.
Have you made any definate plans as yet, im thinking of arriving in sept and doing the ozintro also.
Gail x
Hi Gail
i want to do ozintro on the 2 Aug but as yet i havent found anyone else doing that date!! Apart from that i have no other plans and i am hoping i figure it out when i get there!
have you booked your week yet?

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