Hi all,
Sleeping in cars is frowned on in some countries. There is also the possibility of being robbed whether at a layby or somewhere isolated. If you are going July-August, it does get hot as in 40-50.C when inside a vehicle can be uncomfortably hot even at night. Greece also has fires (as in arson), so be careful you don't wake up in a forest fire).
I'd say drive what you feel like driving rather than sticking to a schedule and maybe becoming bored. Be careful of Albania where it has been known that local cars will deliberately run into tourist cars and try to claim money off of them. Pedestrians run a similar scam, jumping out in front of foreign cars. Do not leave anything valuable in your car at any time when you are not in it.
Perhaps just one fast route for the first and last part of the trip? Dover-Dunkirk-Dover would save both money and time.
Thanks for the replys, after some thought we plan to cut out belgium and lux and head straight from calais to zurich, we will try to do that in a day (8 hours driving), same on the way home, 1 day from geneva to calais again.
This should mean we have 18-19 days to do the bottom leg and really make the most of it. We are also considering doing just the top of greece rather than all the way down to athens, again to save time and make the most of the trip.
That would mean 2-3 hours driving a day, which I think is fine, couple of ferrys and lots of sun, sea and camping.
Would love to hear any advice about driving in these countries, particularly croatia, albania, montenegro and maccedonia as these seem the most remote of the bunch.
As well as anything to consider regards safety, do and donts, like i heard only park your car overnight in albania in secure parking at a hotel etc. Dont drive at night etc. Stuff like this would really help us out. Is it all hearsay and rubbish or is there truth in it?
Many thanks.
[ 08-Apr-2010, at 12:20 by dhybrid ]

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