covers my arrival into Tan Son Nhat and getting a taxi to the Pham Ngu Lao area. I stay in mini-hotel alley when I visit HCM so I told the driver: 'De Tham St'. The meter was right at 100,000 VND when we got to De Tham. I would use Vinasun taxi every chance you get. Clean cars, drivers in uniform, they use the meter. That is all we are looking for. An honest company that wants repeat business. Mai Linh also has a good rep. This mirrors what most face when arriving at Tan Son Nhat.
Lisa, it can get hectic when exiting the airport. I suggest you really make an effort to ride with some other girls that are heading for the Pham Ngu Lao area. There really is safety in numbers. Chat up others while in the Immigration line or waiting for your baggage. Almost everyone will be in the same boat you are. I found some guys to ride with, you can too.
Good luck with your planning and send me a PM if you have any questions.
When my girlfriend and I arrived we looked for a metered taxi because we thought they would be the best option. Apparently though many of the meters are broken and long story short we ended up getting robbed for $60, which is heaps too much. It should only cost around $5. After spending a month there we now know which taxis are good and which are illegal.
Vinasun is good. The drivers wear a red tie and the number on the side of the car should be 38 27 27 27.
There are fake vinasun taxis though, the fake drivers don't wear a tie and the numbers on their fake taxis are 54 27 27 27, and 38 27 27 77.
Just double check the numbers when you go out and look for a driver who is dressed respectively.
Remember, even though some may have a meter, the meter is illegal and goes up way to high way to fast.
Thanks so much for the wonderful advice and the time you took in telling me. I will take it on board . Your comments are appreciated !
Happy travels
May be Mai Linh Taxi
There's a Taxi Counter at Tan Son Nhat Airport. I paid around USD9 to get to Ben Tahn Market.
Hi there,
Another option which was perfectly safe and cheap is the bus. The 152 bus goes to the bus station at the end of Pham Ngu Lao (and maybe goes down it, I got off here though!). Its only 4000 dong as well (about $0.20). Bus driver didn't have a problem that I only had a 500,000 note either! This was about 3 days ago, so I'll be surprised if the price has gone up since then!
As you walk out of the airport (with a crowd of literally hundreds to greet you!), just head straight on, and the bus should be waiting in one of the bays to the right.
Good luck!

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