Anyone traveling Australia in 2013? :)

Hey all,


I will be travelling Asia from Sept - Feb/March and arriving in Brisbane either late Feb, early March with no plans or any Idea on where to go.

I have no tips as it will be my first time travelling

Hey steffi.

Im planning to be a trip to oz feb/march next year. Hopefully grab a job while im out there for a bit.

where are you from, are you nervous but excited at the same time ?

Hey to both

I see we're all in the same both here. I also plan on getting jobs while there. I'm not making fixed plans but I'm hoping to extend my stay a little longer than just 2 months...and I don't plan on having much more money than enough to last me about 2 months hehe So I will have to work my way to extend my stay...

I'm from Malta (tiny island in the Mediterranean sea)...have done quite alot of traveling...I've even traveled to some countries alone but always knew people there who I visited so this going to Australia completely alone with no actual plans IS indeed something that's making me nervous. But I guess I'd be inhuman no to be scared, right? It's been my dream to do somehting of the sort and I will kick myself if I don't end up doing it If I could, I would just leave tomorrow!!

So tell me more about you! Any plans or ideas? And tips?


I have been looking into going travelling early next year and have mainly been looking at Asia. The more I see people talking about Australia the more I want to go there! Think the only thing stopping me going there is that I would be going and trying to find a job/ accommodation etc on my own and have never been away on my own before. Bit scared :/ but something I am really thinking about!

Hey guys.

I have always wanted to travel and now have nothing holding me back, plans are to go to oz early next year. Am from cheltenham uk. im very excited but its just the looooong wait if i had the cash i would go NOW!

where are you from doughnutbry (cool user name by the way )


I'm the same, just money that's making me wait! lol. How long are you planning on travelling for?
I'm from Norfolk

Hi guys,

I want to stay in Aus for as long as I possible can, I'm from the UK and its the last place I want to be it will be my first time travelling and i'm also going alone.

My plan was to spend roughly 4 weeks just sight seeing and doing all of the great trips (diving in the great barrier reef, Whitsundays boat trips, etc. I will need to find work in Aus as I know its very expensive and dont want to spend all my money, does anyone know how easy it is to find work?

I've been hearing all too much abut Oz too which is why I chose to go there..Asia would be way cheaper I guess..but I'm imagining Australia to be THE place to visit when we're young and so on Bunch of travelers, experience opportunities and so on! And I've also been told that there are always sooo many people in your same situation that you won't feel weird once you actually get there..which is very encouraging! Hehe

So which places in Australia would you guys be looking into? And how long are you planning on staying for? I'm actually quitting my job and selling my car (for more cash) for this so I'm hoping to be able to make it worthwhile taking such big steps! =p

Any of your on facebook btw?

Anyone traveling Australia in 2013? :)

Anyone traveling Australia in 2013? :)

Anyone traveling Australia in 2013? :)

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