Best site for working holiday visa?

Hey guys,

; the actual people who give out these visas. Getting it anywhere else is a waste of money, as everyone else will go through this as well.

Hi Becki

I got mine on website cost £180 and they emailed me a couple hours later,differently the cheapest and to go with these tourist operators they wanted to charge £220,differently pays to do your research.

Hope that's helped

Where in oz you going?

Thats great thank you! I really dont want to pay extra when i dont need to. Need all spare cash i can get.

Im headin to Perth first for a few mths to see my friend who lives there then head up north to darwin and working my way down the coast. Not going until next march tho because of saving but having to get visa now as i turn 31 in just over 3wks.

When are you heading out? x

Hope you got your visa sorted

Im in Sydney at the start of June this year

Cant wait for my big adventure,just daunting leaving home and all that,but exciting at the same time x

I got it yesterday! I actually screamed when i got the confirmation email! Haha!

You're so lucky going this year! Really wish i could but i wont be able to save the money in time.

I know what you mean! Its so scary but majorly exciting! Ive never done anything like this before.

You heading out on your own or with friends? x

Hi Becky,

I'm hoping to go Australia next March and I turn 31 in 3 weeks too (April 21st) so just getting the work visa before then in a week or so

I've been told that doing it on the Australian immagration site is best as they don't charge for extra's

Hey Allysa

Omg thats my birthday too!

Yes thats the one i got mine from. Think it worked out at £175 with the exchange rate.

Where are you heading first when you get to Oz? x

That's so weird (in a good way!)

I was going to do a tour from Darwin down to Alice Springs, across to Cairns then down the east coast to Sydney (it's a 25 tour with Contiki called Aussie Explorer?) Then after that I was going to spend a week in Sydney, travel down to Melbourne for a week and then drive (if I pass my test in may!!) from Melbourne to Adelaide along the great ocean road then fly from Adelaide to Perth. Perth is where i'd like to be based really...

My plans aren't set in stone, part of me is still wandering whther to just go for a long two month holiday...I really want to do the whole year thing but I keep questioning things like would I find a job, what happens if this happens or that happens?! I am a worryer!

I'm going to get the work visa so at least I've got it and see how I feel, I think it's scarier going alone!

How do you feel about it all Becky? What made you decide (probably the same reasons as me )


[ 03-Apr-2012, at 07:18 by Allysa81 ]

That sounds fab! i'd do a tour but think i'll just be able to save the $5k to get in plus flight to oz. Hiring a car sounds fab! Id love to do the whole camper van thing but i dont know if thats expensive or not?

Im sure you'll be able to find a job. Especially in Perth! My friend lives there and has told me that there has been a big boom with oil and gas (i think) so theres loads of jobs to be had. I know what you mean though. Im worried too but then i think theres loads of people that go out every year on a WHV so surely it cant be that hard!

At the min im more excited than worried really. I am stressed that i wont have enough money though and i'll be home after a few months! Im planning on getting a job after a couple of weeks of being there, if i can, so i dont have to touch my money then hopefully i'll be able to save a fair bit for travelling. Im actually looking forward to going on my own. I cant wait to meet new people and make new friends! I'll probably be crapping myself nearer the time though! ha!

Well i hadn't even thought about going until my friend went last year and i saw how much fun she was having! I've always been the home bird type and have never done anything major like this in my life! But when i saw how well she was getting on over there on her own i thought id give it a go! I'm single and still live at home with my mom (SAD! HAHA) so i dont have anything keeping me here. plus im in a job i dont particularly like. Im also moving to Warwick this week so will have to get a job over that way anyway so i thought id go to Oz before i do.

Whats made you decide to go?

Have you had a look at flights yet? I really dont know where to start!


Best site for working holiday visa?

Best site for working holiday visa?

Best site for working holiday visa?

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