Travel money

Hi guys!

I've heard good things about caxtonfx cards (you can get worldwide ones) but i'm in the same situation, think i'll be going for one of these unless I find something that looks more promising.

Thanks for the quick reply! It does look promising.

As long as the card is a Mastercard or Visa, it shouldn't really make any difference what currency it is held in. The conversion will be made when you make the purchase instead of when you buy the card. And of course that will vary depending on *when* you make the purchase too, so really it's a gamble whichever option you choose.

The trick is to find the prepaid card that offers the best exchange rate

The other thing to remembers is that if you have a regular bank card, you can usually just get cash out of an ATM when you get there if you want to.

The prepaid card is not a bad option though, because you won't be left with spare change in a useless currency. Only problem is that some places only take cash (shock horror)

Thanks Peter!

Just a quick word to a company called quictents in the UK who also responded by e-mail.

I believe this to be an open forum and did not invite spam such as the message you sent me.

You have broken these forum rules:
NO website postings for promotional purposes are permitted.
NO advertising is permitted.
NO personal contact information is permitted.

In terms of the Data Protection Act, I demand that you remove my personal information from your data base forthwith.

You're very welcome to review or even delete this thread. I've made a decision anyway.

But please read carefully my comments in post no. 5

I was private messaged by the company Quicktents with the following message...

"Nice travelling, but I know nothing about pre-paid cards.

Do you like go for a camping? Sleep under a tent in the nature, also a cool choice. Here are some tents alternatives with competitive prices for you, you may have a visit here, -snip-"

I signed up to this forum to get specific information - not to make my e-mail address available to unscrupulous businesses.

[ removed the link ]

You're very welcome to review or even delete this thread.

I think you're responding here to a notification you saw on the thread saying "this message has been flagged for review for possibly being promotional".
That notification was there, replacing a reply to this thread in which a spammer tried to promote something; it's not reflecting on the thread as a whole, and was not in any way directed to you. The spam message - and its accompanying notification - have since been deleted.

I think it's very worrisome you also got that private message spam reply. We have very strict controls on private messages for new members (only allowing a handful of private messages a day initially, to cut down on the effectiveness of such spam), but apparently that still doesn't deter some spammers. On that private message there should be be a "report as spam" link (at the bottom left), which will send a copy of the private message to the admins for review. If you haven't clicked it yet, please do so, as the admins will use that to ban the responsible account (and if the company doing the spamming is known in the travel industry, there's a good chance of some name-and-shaming on twitter, too).

FWIW, your email address was never exposed to anyone, and will not be known by this company. The spammer contacted you through the private message center here on travellerspoint, but doesn't have any of your personal information other than your username.

[ 08-Aug-2012, at 10:09 by Sander ]

Travel money

Travel money

Travel money

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