Hi Guys,
I'm heading around SEA, hopefully at the beginning of July. Then depending on money carrying on to Aus/New Zealand. You haven't stated when you are leaving?
Hey mate cheers for the reply July 2013
Mailed you mate.
Hey boys when are you both heading over there I'm 22 live in London , Iv just come back from a year backpacking in oz and will do SEA in the new year well when I get money to lol
Hi Kts
July 2013 then ill head over to Europe and continue my journey when there is less tourists. I plan on staying in SEA for about 6 months, would love new people to come join us
How was your trip down under? hope you had fun even in my home town of Perth haha (quite a boring city)
Feel free to private message me for more info
Cheers for the reply and talk to you soon
Hope you enjoyed Oz. I'm going to be heading beginning/middle of July.
My plan at the moment is Mongolia-China-Vietnam-Laos-Thailand-Cambodia-Vietnam. Undecided if that is the definite/easiest route and where to go after that though!
Yeah sounds like what I'm doing I just need to look into it more

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