Travelling to oz in 2013 around October, in process of saving now but just wondering who else has similar plans or has any tips thanks
Hey...I'm planning to go over Sept/Oct 2013 too!
Just saving at mo also and trying to find out as much info as poss myself really...
How long are you thinking of going for? Have you been before?
Hey Danni
Yeah that's what I'm doing at minute saving as much as possible. I'm going to do one of those oz intro things which I think lasts a week and then they find u work etc.
Looking at going initially for 6 months and see how it good from their. What about you?
Hey Adam
I know I am going to be nervous when time comes, I'm not sure exactly how will depend on how I get on I guess...but as long as I can
Oh yeah I looked into Ozintro too and ultimate oz...was thinking that'd be a good way to meet people, get more info and like u said having help to find a job is a bonus!
think im going to go around end of September so im their in definate time for summer, i'm planning on going few places in oz, think great barrier reef is a must.
You just doing Australia or have you other plans to see other places
Oh yeah definitely also ayers rock/uluru and I'd love to climb Sydney harbour bridge! I want to visit New Zealand, I have a friend living there and Thailand too on the way back
Are you planning on visiting any other places?
Yeah going do those things also in Australia. Did know you could climb harbour bridge though that's really cool. Definitely give that a go!!
Was thinking about seeing new Zealand too as its number one for extreme sports. You booking your flights with STA travel?
yeah website check out the photos!
yeah I think I will do...are you going to book in advance or wait till nearer the time?
Hi I live in WA just recently moved from Melbourne . I have to say the amount of retail and hospitality jobs avaliable is great is Perth and Wa ! so for temporary job come here . I lived in Melbourne for five years , the night life in the city is nice a great atmosphere and generally everyone is out for a great night whether it is dining or clubbing. Its quite cold there though but Melbourne does offer alot of Touristy places. If your looking to save money just use public transport its easy peasy and a cheaper alternative and it goes to every place you can think of . I would predrink before going clubbing because the prices for a drink are outrageous! Melbourne is really similar to new zealand weather wise its usually cold. Sydney is really fast pased the night life is out of control . The city is kind of really dirty not as clean as Melbourne but its alright . Tropical weather most of the people are snobs . Brisbane is gorgeous I love the beaches and the shopping is sooo CHEAP! you can buy so much I wouldnt recommend living there because there would be a struggle to get a job. Im native New Zealander so ofcoarse I'm going to recommend going there . If you have a friend there it would be easier because you would see the real nz not the tourist version. Food is delicious and its cheap , acc is cheap too but like I said if you have a friend who knows everything it will be alot easier . Most maoris are nice but I do reccomend that you do not mouth off to them because you will most likely end up severely beaten . Just be weary of what you say . Auckland is alright on the west side. If you know whats good for you stay the hell away from South Auckland! only venture there if your with a local. Tiger airlines or Webjet is cheapest to travel around australia and to new zealand . That also depends on how much you are willing to spend.
But its beautiful. Green . lots of rivers and plenty of outdoor activities to do North and South

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