Dont want to travel the world alone!

Hey everyone, im new at this so hoping im doing this right lol.

hey! I'm planning on starting traveling next Jan, and will be alone also. I'm gonna go to Australia and NZ from Jan-April/May, no set plans really! Let me know if you'd be interested!


Do you know how long you want to travel for? What is your budget? What sort of travel are you looking for? (I.e. history/site-seeing, beach/partying, nature/culture, work whilst traveling)

Hey! I'm totally new to this too and kind of doing it on a whim! I want to see the world and basically just have some fun experience so pretty much all of what you've said above Ollie!

I'm up for whatever as have no plans but won't be able to leave until Jan/Feb either as need to save save save!!!

I want to travel until I'm bored to be honest so don't have a time scale but would need to do some sort of work obviously!

What is everyone elses budget?


hey guys,

I got my flights booked to Perth for Jan, visa sorted, etc. if any1 wants any info or jus wants to keep in touch, msg me. good luck.


I am planning a trip to SE Asia in early Feb; my budget will be around £800 per month, for about 5 months/when i have seen and done all i want to. I'm looking into getting a work visa in Aus and NZ after for maybe up to year each also.
I'm loving the enthusiasm btw, Nicole. Do you have anywhere you're leaning towards which you would like to see?

For this, you should know first what are you interests on travels, expectations and such. What kind of weather do you expect, scenery, etc. Budget is a very important matter as well. And since you stated that you would want to travel around the world, I advice you to pack light. As having a bulky baggage will be a big of a hassle on your trip.

Good luck!


I want to travel till i have seen the world, i dont have much money (a few thousand) not sure it would get me very far however i wouldnt mind working and travelling. I want to site see, work, party, just enjoy the experience to the max really. Id love to be gone by Jan/Feb but i just dont see it happening

Dont want to travel the world alone!

Dont want to travel the world alone!

Dont want to travel the world alone!

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