Moving to England!!!

Hi everyone,
Ok so this my story and question lol, I am a EU I am from Spain but was raised in the US. My situation is that I have been living in the Canary Islands for about 4 years now but really want a change I miss my English hahahaha so I am planning on moving to England at the end of July beginning of August. I have never been there before but hear great things about it, as an EU I know I won’t have any problems with work permit or anything like that I just would like some recommendations as to where would be the best place in England to move to , I have some money saved up to probably hold up without a job for 3 months but what I would really like is to have a job within the first month. How are the jobs there, what could be a common salary, small apt rent etc. I am willing to work doing whatever, restaurant, bar, retail, customer service etc. I am currently working as a receptionist at a Dr.’s office but really I have done a little bit of everything.. Thanks sooo much in advance for all your suggestions

Why would you want to come here? The government is shot? The country is falling to pieces? The weather is rubbish?

Everyone is trying to leave and oz are wanting to come here!!!!

Hahahahaha because Spain is in a worse situation I believe and I have to live somewhere don't you think? I hear that its not that bad there and that it is very easy to find a job at least not an amazing job just something to pay the bills. what do you think?

Why would you want to come here? The government is shot? The country is falling to pieces? The weather is rubbish?

Everyone is trying to leave and oz are wanting to come here!!!!

I think that is a bit harsh, it was only when I lived in Australia that I was grateful for a lot of things about the UK and I was in the end glad to move back here. However I agree about the weather. If we had the same weather as Australia then I don’t think anyone would want to leave!

Naki – your question is a little difficult to answer as it is difficult to recommend where you should live and how easy you will find it to get a job and what salary you will get as we only know a little bit about you. What do you want? A city lifestyle or a rural lifestyle? If you move to London or the South-East you will find living costs higher, although if you get a job it should be better paid. Other cities/towns I really like in England are Brighton, Sheffield and Bristol.

I moved back to England after 18 months away and it took me three months to find a job, and I had ten years of experience in the profession I was in.

I have noticed quite a few Spaniards in Manchester working in retail and food establishments recently. As you say Naki, the economic situation in the UK is not as bad as that in Spain so I think you'll be better off here. There are several Spanish restaurants in Manchester who seem to mostly employ Spaniards, so if you were to apply to all those places I think you'd have a very good chance of finding something.

As Steve says, where you settle depends on your interests and what kind of lifestyle you're looking for, but I'd suggest your chances of getting employment are better in the cities.

Manchester and Bristol for cities. I would say London, but in my experience its a better place to visit that it is to live.

Somewhere along the southcoast could be a good option for you? Not quite so cold as "up norf". Bournemouth/Poole is nice, always jobs going. Whether its in a restaurant, hotel, bar etc (which there are many) or there is lots of insurance/banking office jobs going normally. Its multicultural too, lots of foreign students, etc.

Do i sound baised? I probably am. Im moving there next year.

really good one

Thanks, so much fo all the suggestions it really does help, I like a little bit of everything but to live I would prefer something like London but not as hectic as London hahahaha and really the warmer the better if I can even say the word warn in England , but to be honest I just want a nice, safe place and the most important thing would be to have a job so anywhere where there is a lot of jobs available. Once again thanks so much and if anyone needs help in the US I lived in Florida pretty much my whole life and in NY upstate NY for about 4 years so any questions I would be glad to answer.

I think Manchester would be a good place for you to start then - it's not as hectic as London and the cost of living isn't as high, so you wouldn't go through your money nearly as quickly while you're job-hunting. I'm biased of course but it is a cool city and it's growing all the time.

Hahahahaha I think you have Convinced me lol..... Ok one last question I know I'm getting annoying hahaha what does a 1 bedrron apartment normally go for I know it depends but just the most common 600, 700, 800 pounds more less?... Thanks

Moving to England!!!

Moving to England!!!

Moving to England!!!

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