Hey, we're doing the other way around this July (Scandinavia to Sydney/Cairns by way of Singapore) Scandinavia is probably one of the most child friendly parts of the world to travel in, in no small part due to the laws here around getting a year or two off after having a kid. So really I would say nothing to worry about! Restaurants, cafes etc are all very used to having to deal with kids. We've gone on 2 or 3 trips to Australia with our daughter (now 6), and other than the flight, it's all just like living at home for the most part. Don't put kids to bed too late, and don't drag them to things/places you wouldn't at home etc. The flight is the part I hate/dread the most because you're just cooped up in a can and you feel bad for the other passengers. On our trip this summer our son will be 2. The daughter will be just fine watching some movies and eating and drawing and stuff, but he's going to be a proper handful and wanting to walk up and down the aisle a million times. Oh well, just have to accept I won't be able to watch movies on the flight myself, hehe
Really though, as long as kids are with their parents and having a good time, they tend to be just fine in my experience
Thanks for your advice @sam i am! The flight will be most interesting this time as i was blessed to have the basinette seat last time, this time it will just be somewhere in amoungst everyone else on the plane that I will have to entertain a 4 year old but then last time we went straight from Sydney to Helsinki where as this time we are stopping over night in between so im hoping that works in my favour and causes less stress!
Have a great time in Aus when you come here! I am located in Sydney!
We have travelled a lot with our two kids (they are now 3 and 6), and my biggest tip is to be organised, and know where everything is. (I have also travelled on my own with them a number of times.)
Have a variety of activities (colouring/drawing/playdoh/a new toy) for the long haul flights. And also make sure you have at least one change of clothes and some snacks that she definitely likes in your hand carry. Pre order a child's meal if available... this is good, because it usually comes before the main meal service and you can assist her as required.
I highly recommend having an iPod Touch (I know it sounds extravagant for a 4 year old!) which is loaded up with activity or game apps and favourite movies and TV shows with child friendly earphones and is small enough to go in any day pack, and gives you the chance to have some down time as well for example in a cafe/restaurant!
Jet lag is tricky to help the little ones get over, and most likely you'll be up at some strange times at first, but I have found the general rule, if it's dark you are not allowed out of bed works pretty well. Also tolerate strange meal time requests eg Weetbix at dinner time! for a few days.
It's a fab opportunity to learn about different countries, and how it is different, than for example states like Vic and NSW.
Rightly or wrongly, I don't apologise to other passengers if my children are difficult on a flight, because their fares are not being given away, and they have as much right to comfort too, but find it harder to express at times. Don't be embarrassed, just roll with it, and make sure you rest when she eventually sleeps too!!
Always be on the lookout for a playground or fountain or somewhere interesting to play... all day in a museum is not so interesting for a 4 year old!
Have a good trip...
The country you are traveling in is a western country as all the facilities you need.
We did overnight coach travel with our children you just need to keep them occupied it's not a problem just like being at home.
Norway is a great country if you like the outdoors.
Do plenty of research for the things you want to do and it will be easy.
best of luck and keep safe out there.

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