Hello All,
Budget-wise that sounds quite doable when travelling independently, though a lot of money will go to transport, which means you won't be able to be picky about accommodation. Time- and altitude-wise I'd reconsider, though. You're going straight from sea level to 3300 meters at Cuzco, which means you'll run a serious risk of altitude sickness, and should expect not to do anything for the first two full days in Cuzco (consider going to Cuzco via Arequipa at 2300 meters to acclimatize first (spending 2-3 days there)). You'll also be sitting in busses (or worse, flying?) way more than actually seeing things. I'd never voluntarily take a trip like this. Stick to just one country, and actually see some things. You have no leeway at all in your schedule for when things go wrong (not at all uncommon in these countries), no time to recover if you get tired and cranky, no time to sit back and get to *know* a place.

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