Hello everybody!
Hello James
London > Bangkok Flight Duration?
Bangkok > Changmai - Do you instantly want to go to Chiang Mai or you would stay at Bkk for a few days and then fly for Chiang Mai?
btw Air Asia doesn't fly on the route of Phuket to Cambodia,...so you need to explore some option of other flights.
What you can plan out is something like -
You arrive at Bkk on 1st Nov - Stay at bkk uptill 6th Nov - 6 Days (In this you have time to go to Pattaya and do other actitivities) :D
7th you reach Phuket stay there for a week - 7 Days
15 you leave for Chiang uptil 18 - 4 Days
19 you leave for Cambodia uptill 23 - 6 days
24th nov you leave for london
All the best and hv fun
I would do Round trip to Bangkok. Usually round trip is cheaper than 2 one way flights. Like they say do the math! This is if you intended to fly back to London from a different country.
Phuket is more expensive than Bangkok. If you are traveling without wife or girlfriend nightlife in the Pattaya area is much cheaper and you can get there with a cheap bus. But the beach at Pattaya is crappy for actual swimming.
Later in your trip the weather in Phuket may be a little better than the beginning. From Bangkok to Phnom Penh is an option. After a day or two there you can take the boat or ground travel to Siem Reap.
Schedule a final night back in Bangkok for shopping and tours or something. This way you can be a taxi ride away from Suvarnabhumi.
Regular stuff, like changing money, hotel suggestions, local transportation are some things you can ask about.
Good luck.

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