Hi guys!
I was in the same boat as you. At first I was going to go for six months to oz but now I've decided to go for a year on a whv. And I'll be leaving my job as well. I just thought its a once in a lifetime trip and I didn't want to get to the end of the six months and which I had stayed longer.
It's a big decision but I think you should go for the whv. Hope this helps!!
Tiff x
I think you should get the whv, and you could also consider getting one for NZ too.
Maybe go travelling for a month, and if you like it apply for a WHV? Not sure whether you can do it when you're already in-country, but might be worth checking out. By the way, I'm going in Jan too, not long to go now!
Tiff20, glad to hear I'm not the only one! You have a good point. I'm afraid if I don't go, two years down the line I'll still be in the same job and have done nothing exciting. So yeah I'd probably regret it if I didn't do it :/ When you leaving?
Bex76, I didn't even consider New Zealand!
DanEvans22, I was thinking about doing that at first but I realised I'd have to come back after the month to hand in my notice. It would just save a lot of hassle to leave my job and get the WHV. I just need the balls to do it! Are you going on a WHV? Where you headed first?
Yep I'm going on a WHV. I can see why your worried but I'd say if you really want to do it just go ahead and do it, it'll be a great experience if nothing else! First stop for me is Sydney, how about you? What are your plans?
Yeah I really think I'll regret it if I don't! Lovely, when you heading over? I'm heading to Melbourne first, going to head up the east coast then, but no definite plans really!
I'm heading over in April. Really wish I was going earlier but I need to have a few more months of saving first!!!! I'll be starting of in Sydney too.
I know I'm very impatient, I'm leaving in January with the bare minimum to keep me going!
I'm heading over on the 4th of January, it's starting to feel close now!

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