Is anyone just traveling around oz this summer June to July? Wouldn't mind chatting seeing what your route and plan is as I haven't got a clue yet
First thing to remember is July might be your summer, but in Australia it is winter. Cairns is perfect at that time of year.
Hey Clare, have you booked your flight yet? I'm heading over at the same time xx
No I haven't yet but I've been looking! I'm only going for about 6 weeks then I'm heading over to thialand what are you planning on doing while your over there? Xx
I'm going over on a WHV so I'm going for a year but I was planning on going Thailand afterwards I was planning June July time myself just not got an actual set date yet, where you flying from?xx
Are you? Sounds amazing wish I could do that! Yeah ill onyly be doing thialand as a holiday though I think with a few friends! I was looking at flights from Birmingham they don't seem to badly priced! Where are you planning to fly to? Xx
Why can't you? Sydney. May have more job offers, which i will need To be able to travel around. I'm a little scared about doing it on my own hopefully the excitement will take over. When do you plan to go?xx
I have to go back to Uni lol! So hopefully next year I can do it for a year or so! And yeah it is so nerve racking but if your working you'll meet people from work ect it'll be amazing I want to get there for mid June I think so if your about could always meet up x
When do you go back to uni I was thinking beginning of July maybe the 12th I might join the ultimate oz for the first week depending if I've saved enough, I'm excited I wanna go now xx
Not till late September/October and yeah I saw that it's just so expensive looks amazing tho! Would be a great way to meet people aswell! Me too haha just talking about it gets me so excited hopefully if I really enjoy I'll go back again next year for longer :D so exciting ahha

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