Hi there
I cannot help with your specific questions but these might be of help..
And you can use Google maps to get general directions.
Bus is usually cheaper than rain but my preference is for train.
Hope it helps. I will be in Iceland briefly at the end of May. Can't wait.
Not sure about booking in advance, but I would suggest using to compare travel types. They offer a comprehensive comparison for train, bus, plane and ferry routes, and we actually partner with them to provide the transport options in our Planner.
Good luck with your planning!
Thank you so much for the help Steve and KellieBarnes
Steve don´t hesitate to contact me if you need any info about Iceland
I have traveled through northern Italy a couple of times, so far always by train.
I'd definitely recommend booking in advance! You're traveling in the middle of the holiday season, the trains will most likely be full (if not overloaded). Last time I took the train from Milan to Genoa was 2 years ago in September and people were standing in the corridors, pressed together like sardines
I booked my tickets via ItaliaRail: http://www.italiarail.com/ (in english)
Trenitalia: http://www.trenitalia.com/cms/v/index.jsp?vgnextoid=4ddd1a035296f310VgnVCM1000005817f90aRCRD (also available in english)
By the way, I speak Italian (not my first language, though), so if you'd like any help with anything, even just a website ect., I'm always glad to help!
Hope you'll have a great time!!
Thank you so much for the help Steve and KellieBarnes
Steve don´t hesitate to contact me if you need any info about Iceland
I am curious. Was any of that helpful & if so, in what way? Did it answer your question or do you still have some?
I am curious. Was any of that helpful & if so, in what way? Did it answer your question or do you still have some?
Yes the info was helpful I had never seen the website "Seat61.com" which is a great one, it literally has all kinds of helpful info.
Giving the answers people prefer trains over bus (although bus seems to be the cheaper option) and it is probably better to book online.
I still don´t know how to book a bus fare or if it is even possible for foreigners.
From the site "rio2rome.com" I get that I can see schedules at autostradale.it or autoticino.com from Milan-Malpensa to Genoa but the sites are only in Italian and it seems that summer schedules are not online yet. I think we would prefer to take bus this part of our travel because it goes straight from the airport to Genoa.
Also it seems that it it to early to book train fare.
Thank you all,
if you'd like any help with anything, even just a website ect., I'm always glad to help!
We will take your advise and book online as soon as possible If I get in trouble I might ask for your help
Thank you so much Yiuli
Hi, in Italy the best thing is to travel in train, because for the cost and comfort. for more information go to in this link: www.trenitalia.com
bye bye
does give some info if you scroll down to Genova. It says where to catch the bus & the price but it says reservations required, but then I get stuck.
It says 'Tickets can be bought at Airport 2000' but that makes no sense to me.
And the link to does not help much either as it contradicts the times on the airport page.
There are phone numbers, perhaps you could call them.

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