First time backpacking

Hello, too, 1st timer here, dunno where to start with..hope to find buddies

Google, "lightweight backpacking list" and you'll get hundreds of suggestions.

Have fun.


Start with something like and then remove the items that don't apply to you, add too much weight, or you can buy while travelling.

Personally I like travelling with space saver bags to keep things separate. If you're taking electronics, try to minimise devices and find a charging (and power) solution that does double duty.

Travel light, Travel comfortable.
A lot depends on where are you going and where are you staying + the budget you have. I like the idea of carrying a sleep sac in particular. buy it or make one yourself.
I recommend a smartphone too. Altough expensive, it solves many needs, internet, skype, map, mp3, phone and many more. Buy a older one or burrow a unused one to reduce the risk.

Travel light. No need to bring things that you can easily purchase on the place. Invest on digital map e.g. smartphone with mobile data.

I agree don't waste time buying things that would be easily available everywhere and what ever you pack should be not that heavy as you are the one who has to handle it.

Light travelling is right choise, but map, smartphone (or tablet) is necessary cos it may be very helpful if you wear glasses put one in bagpack my brother one day totally failed al his trip because he broke his glasses, charger maybe... I usually use very small suit case but never had any problems with it. And use)))

My advice is to take as little as possible , throw all the shit you have out and leave only few peace of clothing , there is always stores to buy stuff .

Leave expensive jewellery at home

Be prepared to not to take a shower for day ( have some cleaning suplies without having to have shower )

Be realistic - ist a foreign country -NOT HOME . so accept what people offer to you and be happy about it !

Just keep in mind that you don't need to take a lot of stuff with you. You can wash clothes and buy new ones as necessary. Just take what you need to get you by for a few days to a week and you'll be sweet.

Carry less and take more money, money that you would have otherwise spent on gear at the get go.

First time backpacking

First time backpacking

First time backpacking

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