Hi everyone I'm an English lad looking to get a Canadian visa but not sure how to go about it
Help me please
http://www.canadainternational.gc.ca/united_kingdom-royaume_uni/index.aspx?lang=eng you will have to copy and paste as this site doesn't seem to be computerish very well
[ 06-Jul-2014, at 07:51 by katzgar ]
katzgar, simply use the URL link in the task bar and you can make a link the same as in Post #2.
I copy and paste from the task bar
your suggestion doesn't work but anyone needing the info can get it by copying and pasting
[ 06-Jul-2014, at 11:46 by katzgar ]
katzgar: Terry meant the bar right above the textarea where you write replies. That contains a number of buttons, one of which shows a globe with a little anchor chain link. Click that and paste the URL in the dialog which shows to insert the code for turning the URL into a functioning link.
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I get it now
[ 06-Jul-2014, at 13:03 by katzgar ]
[[http://www.belizeforum.com/belize/|the belize forums
[ 06-Jul-2014, at 13:36 by katzgar ]

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