Hey. I am 20 year old girl. I lived in Estonia but moved to Finland in the middle of my high school. I still go night school here, but it's difficult.. different language, long work days before school and lack of motivation.
I had very good grades back in Estonia. Didn't have to work for it. Everything came very easy to me. And right now.. I really like to learn new things, I do. I feel I am very ignorant and dumb, I haven't seen almost anything.
But somehow school is boring for me. I just can't focus, can't force myself either.
My job seems boring too, even though it isn't really. I am a welder at a big shipyard.
Honestly, this is such a huge decision that you're the only person who can answer it. Look within...
Good luck.
Young people do get "itchy feet" and want to see the world before they settle down to married life and commitment for the next few decades. Australians are known for taking a year off.
If you do this, how will things be when you return? Will you be able to get another job, accommodation, etc? Also your friends may have changed completely while you are away.
I would go for it as you are only young once, and you seem unhappy with your life at the moment but as CT said, the decision is down to you in the end.
Thank you.
Perhaps I misunderstood you Original Post.
Leaving for a year is no big deal. It's not unique. Lots of people do it. It's not a complete change in your life. In some circles it's normal.
Dumping your boyfriend and hitting the road to become a permanent nomad is of course a completely different issue and that's what I was referring too.
Good luck and have fun.
You mention feeling dumb. You do not come across as dumb to me in the slightest. You have three languages, a very responsible job, you are still studying, you are asking questions before you jump into something you are not sure of.
All that by the time you have reached twenty - not too shabby.
It sounds to me that you need to stretch yourself even more. Think of the most difficult thing that you might be able to do, figure out what it takes to achieve it & do it. And that might not be becoming a nomad.
Dumping the boyfriend is no big deal. There are millions of males out there & you can take your pick.
So, I am very curious as to what do you mean by becoming a nomad - Exactly?
I am sure you are just feeling unhappy because your life doesn't have thrilling feeling.
Can I suggest you something? Leave that life for a while, travel the world, take a vacation.
Go somewhere you never heard of. Do something you will never do in a million year.
It's called soul searching. I think you will find the answers in somewhere.
If I am off topics. I apologize.
Becoming a nomad for me would be a way to achieve the maximum of freedom I could get. I would not depend on money (which is perhaps one of the most important thing about it since I have grown to hate how our society is built on money and some people never will be happy, because the only thing they pursue is more money), on time, on other people. I could go whenever I want, wherever I want. I could never guess what's going to happen next or who I would meet next. I would see things I never imagined I'd see. And maybe, just maybe I would also find myself.. soul searching is a good description, I guess. Right now I feel like I am in a war with myself and I don't know how to make peace.
Of course I know it would be also difficult - it will be cold sometimes, hygiene is going to be very bad, no security, occasional loneliness and so on. I also know there will be problems I even can't imagine right now.
But I never know if this is what I need, if I won't try, right?
Anyway I am not going anywhere before the spring since I will try to save money to give my grandmother. That's also one thing, if I'd go, I wouldn't be able to support her anymore. I myself, as said, pursue of not needing money, but she does.
I understand where you're coming from; I had a similar decision to make a couple of year ago - stay home and live as you put a 'normal' life or switch it up and hit the road. I chose to leave and explore the World and I am loving my decision. I've seen and done so many amazing things and plan to do so much more in the future.
My choice was easier than your's though - I had dropped out of education early due to certain circumstances, my long term girlfriend just left me, I was working a horrible job for horrible people and stress was ruling my life. So a fairly easy choice to make, right? You have what seems to be a good thing going. Maybe a good way to help you decide is some short term travel first. Get a taste for the nomad life you think you might desire, or you might find out you prefer your current life. The real question is: what would make you happier? Because that's all that matters in the end.

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