JustinMHein has indicated that this thread is about Midwestern United States
Probably not, because it's something that would make me anxious. Considering there's no real control I have over how my "significant other's" progress goes, I don't really see why it would be helpful for me to know.
I'll suggest some situations where something similar to this may be useful though.
1. An RSVP list that tracks how many of the RSVPs are actually on their way to the event. Particularly if you're waiting for them to arrive to start dinner for example. Beats ringing them up while they're driving.
2. Track if a person you're scheduled to meet will actually make it on time. I guess that's basically the same as 1 though.
As for my frequency of travel. A few times a year at the moment.
I guess those who are into traveling seriously or they like having an outcome through these things they get into it and it actually works for them.
At the same time when its about fun or something we aren't really into but still its helps us in a way.

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