Well hello!!

Was looking for something to keep me from my work and I thought I'd dip in and say hi.

*waves hi* Hey there stranger!

Not many familiar faces from all these many years ago around anymore, though quite a few names tend to peek in every so often. There's a whole new set of regulars around nowadays, though.

Do any good travelling lately?

[ 12-May-2015, at 09:57 by Sander ]

None at all I'm afraid, between work and family, travelling is no longer a priority for me!

Where is everyone? Did we just fall off the grid one by one?

Yeah, pretty much. :/ I heard some mutterings about "faceborg" sucking people away, but that was mostly ~2-3 years ago; since then it's been - from the little I've heard and seen - more personal issues and circumstances in life changing. There's some threads in Off Topic from about a year ago, which I think was the last time we had a big influx from names from the days of yore, which might be worth reading for some updates on various people: and (and probably a bunch more from around that same time).

There's definitely still a good few of us soldiering on, even if posting frequencies have gone down, and there's a lovely bunch of new names being helpful and keeping things interesting - which I guess is only natural for a forum as old as this one. But all the same, I do miss all those familiar faces.

Anyway, hope that work and family are providing just as much (if not more) enjoyment and satisfaction for you! Do stick around, or at least peek in every so often again - it'd be appreciated.

Well hello!!

Well hello!!

Well hello!!

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