Hi, very new to all this my present travelling experience streches no further than Magaluf lol, I am 28 year old male male who seeks the world but is petrified none the less.
Hi Sam, welcome to Travellerspoint. I'm sure you would be absolutely fine if you went travelling alone! Many people go solo so you would meet plenty of people in the same boat and if you don't want to be alone it's easy to hook up with others to travel with.
You are still young enough to get working holiday visas for Australia and New Zealand, which would give you the opportunity to see earn some cash while travelling. This would give you up to 2 years in both countries and it's a straightforward visa application procedure.
A round the world ticket can often work out much more economical than a straight return, and will obviously give you the option to see more places. A typical route, and good for the first timer, might be something like UK-Asia (often Bangkok, Singapore or Hong Kong) - Australia - New Zealand - LA - UK. Adding African or South American destinations into the ticket normally increases the price significantly.
If you can let us know what your interests are I'm sure lots of people would be able to recommend some specific destinations.
Hope this helps a little, and I'd say go for it as you will have the time of your life, wherever you decide to go!
[ 22-Oct-2011, at 03:41 by bex76 ]
I don't know where you live, how much your budget is and how long you have to travel but having said that this is my comment to your question.
If you are traveling alone having never done any long term travel have little confidence and are not organized then I would recommend a country where English is the first language. China and say Russia could be a challenge.
Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the States are easy. you can stay in hostels where you will meet people like yourself.
You will need to be organized to some extent and I would recommend making a list of everything you need to do and consider.
e.g. Visas, money, inoculations, medication, insurance, Pass port (some countries need at least 6 months on the PP) flights, accommodation.
Just keep asking on the site if you have anymore questions.
Another website you might like to check out is
Website for keeping in touch with family and friends
You can meet local people in other countries
We met up with lots of people from this site on our travels.
Best of Luck and keep safe
Hi, you sound just as clueless as me. i don't even know where i want to go.
gonna go on your own or fancy a travel buddy? 2 clueless brains are better than 1

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