Dear all,
My suggestions would be the UK just because I live here and I love it, Prague for the nightlife or anywhere is Spain. I have not been to Holland, but I have heard nothing but good things about it.
Hope this helps.
London at Christmas time is amazing
Or Scotland, head to the Highlands... just stunning scenery!
Hi Shady,
Depends a lot of what kind of weather will you want to have because in most of the places it will be raining i December.
However, an idea to have good weather is to visit the southern regions of Portugal or Spain.
In Granada you can visit the Allambra (amazing site) and Seville is "the place" to listening flamenco.
Visiting Portugal is also a nice possibility to have both good weather and a warm experience.
All the best,
Have you though about Ukraine as a destination? The Ukrainian Carpathians? The ancient cities of Kyiv or Lviv?
I would definitely consider coming over to London, as it is easy, relatively cheap and one of the best cities in the world. You could even head somewhere else in southern England if you want to get away from the big city.
Great time to travel to Europe. The lights for the holidays are beautiful. I would suggest to go to London for a few days and then take the train to Paris as you have planned. No matter where you go it's going to be a great trip. You will be with the love of your life.
Check out Ryanair and Easyjet.
Fares are cheap, and you might want somewhere sunny and completely different from the grey cold north.
Warmest are Morocco, Malta, Cyprus, Canary islands but South Spain or Portugal is comfortable, too.
[ 09-Nov-2011, at 01:27 by mpprh ]

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