Hi all,
Benny what a plonka you are, what the hell are you messing at you sound like a spoilt brat.
I'm not going to say what I actually think I'm biting my tongue.
This is going to be sat on your shoulder forever until you get it sorted, face up to it don't be a whimp.
Stay in the UK get this sorted and you can get on with your life living anywhere you want.
You know that's what you need to do so get on with it.
I dread to think how you would cope with something really serious.
George W Bush has had to call off a trip to Switzerland next weekend amid planned protests by human rights groups over the treatment of detainees at Guantánamo Bay and the threat of a warrant for his arrest.
Benny what a plonka you are, what the hell are you messing at you sound like a spoilt brat.
I'm not going to say what I actually think I'm biting my tongue.
This is going to be sat on your shoulder forever until you get it sorted, face up to it don't be a whimp.
Stay in the UK get this sorted and you can get on with your life living anywhere you want.
You know that's what you need to do so get on with it.
I dread to think how you would cope with something really serious.
Jeanie, you sound like a typical example of todays locked down society. Just because YOU would do that in my situation doesn't mean I should. Just because the rules say so, doesn't mean that's the right thing to do. The rules were put there by people like you and me, not a higher being.
I grew up on one of the roughest estates in the area, in council housing, with little chance of anything. I gave myself an education and I am not spoilt. I'm lucky I got out when i did. Go on then, tell me what you really think, I'd love to hear it.
Get it straightened out before you try to leave the UK. If it happened as you say it did then it will be no big deal. Lose the attitude and you'll easily be able to get it squared away with no hassle or drama - a couple of hours in court and a slap on the wrist and you should be on your way.
Good luck.
Daft thing is its such a minor offence (if it played out as you said) that it would have been thrown out before getting to court anyway. You should have just written and said you;d be out of the country and could you plead by post if indeed they proceeded with it. You'd have got a 50 quid fine and bound over for a year, at most.
You've probably made it worse by avoiding it. You'd have been better arriving by boat as passport checks are less rigid at ports--is it still too late to do that? If I was you I'd arrive by sea, see your gran then go to the cop shop and give yourself up and say you werent aware they were looking for you. They probably will take it to court now though so you might have to be prepared to come back again....
Hmmm you would probably get away with it fine, just don't get your passport scanned. On the other hand, there is a chance that if your passport is scanned or your name flagged upon entry, you're going to find yourself in a lot of bother.
The worst they will probably do is fine you. Do you have enough money to pay quite a hefty fine? Having said that, because you've already "done a runner" there's a good chance they'll shove you in a cell until they decide what to do with you.
I'd make some investigations now. Call up the citizens advice bereau and find out how long thw warrant for your arrest will stay valid, especially as it was for a very minor offence. It might be worth pleading total ignorance, saying you were drunk and didn't realise you were actually arrested. As the above poster said, the chances of them wasting precious resources and time taking it to court is slim, but they will most definitely make you pay.
I'd get it sorted now, otherwise it'll hang over your head forever!
Whatever airport you go to, there's a high likelihood your passport will be scanned.
I'd also vote for going by ferry and then turning yourself in. The more you run away from it, the worse it gets. It will also look better if you turn yourself in, and it's going to have to be sorted at some time or another because your passport will expire at some point so presumably you'll have to get it renewed.
You've come on here asking what to do, so people are going to say what they would do and what they would have done in your situation. You're blaming the system, and yes it totally sucks at times, but unfortunately, it is what it is. The things you do and how you live your life IS totally up to you, but I think you're missing the point if you aren't aware that you've made it worse for yourself by not tackling this head on earlier.
However, what's in the past is in the past and there's nothing you can do to change it, all you can do now is try to get it sorted with the best outcome for you. I hope your grandmother pulls through or passes peacefully and you get this sorted out with the least amount of hassle.

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