We'll be traveling in some areas where we are weight restricted and want to carry some type of water filter and/or water purifier. Any commments or suggestions will be very helpful.
If you just want to travel from populated to populated areas, then you can always buy bottled water. In fact, very few travellers use waterpurifier, as bottled water is available almost everywhere, even in small villages.
You can also buy purifying tablets for emergency in case you run out of bottle water and you just want to purify tap water.
If you want to trek and would use natural water sources, then most of the times water purifying tablet alone won't do the work. If you use water from small rivers, streams - you also have to filter the dust and other small particles.
In such case, you can either use a pump or a small drinking bottle equipped with some filter. If you want to do it in the cheap way, you can use a fine cloth or similar material combined with purifying tablet.
Pumps such as Katadyn are usually great tools, however they are expensive.
A slightly cheaper solution is the bottle with ceramic filter such as the Aquapure. I used this as it is very easy and practical to use in any situation.
i used Katadyn. they have this squeezable water bottle with a filter/anti-bacteria nozzle on it which i bought for $60 at REI and it is indeed an awesome piece of equipment. no pump needed. i highly recommend it for travellers.
i saw a add for something called bobble bottle... togather with a steripen it should be giving you a absolute clean water , safe from both microbes and visible dirt..
the big reason for using it is it will save 300 plastic bottles to be thrown into trash.

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