My name is Katrina im 19 i now live in Montana. My whole life always lived in California apart from last sept. i lived 6 months in scotland with my fiance andrew. I been back in the states for 6 or so months and just hating it. i miss scotland and england so bad. and needing help with the papers and how to apply for a work/live visa. i got a sample of my dream i want the whole taste. i been working two jobs so i can go back over for what another 6months. and start all over again? with new town, new family who take me in,new jobs, new people. i want to stay in one place but i need HELP. i know somewhat what im supposed to do. please anybody help me. at this point my 6 months of heaven well is fading away and there really nothing here. i know i sound like a book or a famous line of some sort but if you knew where im coming from you understand. please i beg of you someone help me out. i really would like that.
thanks a bunch
You need to start by trying to organise a visa. Check out the rules
hello mpprh thanks for posting i read through it and its a bit of a mess to me. its kind of hard to understand. is there like a phone number to visa sites you may know of? i can call them up to talk to a live person? if so can you pass it along it really mean a lot. thanks
You need to contact the French Consulate for your area which is :
205 North Michigan Avenue, Suite 3700
Chicago, IL, 60601
Téléphone : +1 (312) 327 52 00
contact at consulfrance-chicago.org
You should also read the notes
Bonne Chance
what if i want to live in england or scotland how does that work out?
Sorry - I live in France and gave you the wrong information.
You need to contact
British Consulate
1 Sansome Street
Suite 850
San Francisco, CA 94104
(415) 617 1300
thank you peter i will get on it monday moring on my day off to get it set up. can you help me out same topic what are all the things i need in order to actually apply for a visa?
Best to read through this :
[ 02-Dec-2011, at 07:00 by mpprh ]
KMS123: I'm in the same boat, but have a nice shortcut. However, I'm almost 29 and had to continuously put off moving to Europe because of the difficulties you're encountering now.
Before I found my free pass, I thought a lot about different options to get abroad, there seem to be only three.
- Marrying a citizenship in your country of choice. If you're still with that Irish guy, this is probably you're best bet. Once you have that marriage license, I think you can get a visa and start working right away. In the US, marrying a citizen usually goes for about $10,000, though you really shouldn't have to pay for it. Try and find a matchmaking service where a person wants US citizenship and you can marry them to get their European citizenship.
- Find a job that will sponsor your visa. This always seemed impossible to me. Best bet would be to work for an international company in Montana (probably a designer drug manufacturer for meth substitutes), spend a year there, and then tell them you have to transfer to Europe. Actually finding a job in Europe that will sponsor you is probably unlikely.
- Another improbably work option it if you happen to be in a field that is highly prized. Usually countries have lists of workers that they will give visas to, which makes finding work a whole lot easier. Since you're 19, you might be out-of-luck on this one.
- Find a country to give you citizenship. If one of your not to distant relatives is from Europe, you usually only have to show proper familiarity with the culture, speak the language, and prove your heritage with documentation to get yourself citizenship. (This is how I'm doing it, by the way)
- There are other things I considered, but pretty farfetched. Like, if I was Jewish, I would go to the German consulate and say that my family had to leave Europe because of persecution and now I'd like to return with full citizenship. However, this overlaps with option #3.

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