If you’re planning to go to South America and buy a car in Chile listen closely.
We are two women planning on making the same type of trip as you did from Oct 2012-Feb2013.
We want to purchase a vehicle and wondering how to proceed on this.
How much did the car cost?
What is RUT?
What about insurance?
How many days did it take you in total to get the RUT, find and purchase the car?
Was it possible to take the car out of Chile and into for example Argentina?
A rut is just a personal number you get, for paying tax, for working and/or living in Chile.
Takes half an hour to get one, in the SII office.
You can find a lot about it on internet.
Our car was 2.700.000 Chilean pesos, witch is about 3.500 USD.
We insured our car with Mapre Seguros, an international company, located in the center of Santiago.
We took an insurance for going outside of the country, for a half year.
Costs us 75.000 Chilean pesos (155 USD)
Yes, you can take the car everywhere you want (with that insuance), for some country's it better to have a 4x4 though.
With excepcion of the Carretera Austral (a road that leads you to the deep south of Patagonie), Argentina and Chile are good for a normal car...
The whole process took us 2 weeks, including a lot of rough-top-swimmingpool hanging every day. We were renting a very nice apartment, it's cheaper than stay in hostels for quite a time -snip-
We're moving to Chile at the end of April 2012 - if you are still in country, we're interested in the car and possibly some of your camping gear!
If you’re planning to go to South America and buy a car in Chile listen closely.
If you have any doubs about buying a car… My advise would be to just do it. You are so free, and you safe so much money on hostels and restaurants if you cook for yourself and camp. For us it was the best choice. It’s an investment, and you have to have a little luck on your side. But if you trust the situation and the people you’re buying it from, there a good chance you buy a good car.
It is quite simple anyway. The only thing you have to do is to get a RUT at the SII office. After that you can search for a car (THE SAME DAY, because you immediately get your temporary rut). You can look at: www.chileautos.cl.We bought our car from an older couple , we just walked into the car on the streets. I think it’s better to buy the car private because there’s more chance to buy it for a good reasonable price.. When you agree about a price, they will help you with the rest. They will take you to the whole process, because they want to sell their car. They will take you to the (municipal) notary and help the car to become yours.
We have to get rid of our car (Deawoo Lanos from 2000) around march 2012, and we also have to get rid of ALL our stuff here, we have a good tent, cooking gear, chairs, route maps / camping guides/national parc guides and many many more.
Just contact us if you are interested (or if you want the extended story of buying a car) and maybe we can help you with anything.Regards, Niels and Amanda -snip- from Holland.
Hey thanks for all the helpful info. My boyfriend and I are backpacking through South America right now and want to buy a car in Santiago. We have a RUT number (got it no problem) and have a potential car we would like to buy.
What exactly is the car buying process? After we've agreed on the sale what are the next steps Since we will be driving away right after buying?
What address did you use for the padron and papers? As we are only in Santiago for a week we don't have a permanent address. Can one use a hotel or hostel address?
Does the RUT number need to have the same number as the padron/papeles? Do you know if there is any way to pick up the padron at the register rather than being sent to the address?
[ 15-Feb-2014, at 15:33 by KhrystyneW ]
My friend and I will be traveling throughout Chile and hopefully Peru beginning the end of April 2014. We will be looking for a car as well. Thanks for all the info regarding the process to buy a car, its super helpful! Does anyone have a car that they would like to sell to us?? Or any advice on where to find a good car, other than chileautos.cl ...Please let us know!

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