Want to Buy Or Rent A Wilderness Vaction Home In Illinois!

Whats up dudes! Im looking to either rent or buy some isolated land for a wilderness or rural vacation home here in Illinois Im looking for something very isolated with no neighbors around for about 5 radial miles. Id really like to build a modular house or container house on this property for my vacation retreat but I might also consider renting something such as a cabin. Ive found Lots of stuff like this but need some advice as far as locating an area such as this. Its kind of rare in Illinois, but through my research Ive found theres some land if you dig deep enough around central Illinois and in the deep south around Shawnee Forrest that is totally isolated. Im looking to budget around $5000 to $15000 for the whole retreat project. Many modular houses go for about $5000 to $10000 on the cheap, and Ive seen lots of cabin rentals for around $30 a night and so forth. Might hire a researcher to complete my search for me. Any ideas or resources about how to set up a vacation home like this in isolated Illinois and find suitable land and appointments? Or any tips on how to hire a researcher on the cheap to dig this up? THanks for any info!

Just out of curiosity, why have you decided to find something in Illinois? (I take it you live somewhere within the state just by your second sentence.) Pretty much anything that would be considered 'wilderness' here will be part of a state or national park system. Southern Illinois (around Shawnee) would be your best bet or along the Illinois, Mississippi, Wabash or Ohio river areas. But a 5 mile radius - good luck there. Illinois is a 'plains' state - covered in corn/soy beans and farms. The forested area begins around Shawnee and the Kentucky border. Again, most of it is owned by the state or US government.

I live in northern rural Illinois (ex-Chicago resident) and if I were going to make the 6+ hour drive to a vacation home with your requirements, I'd head to Wisconsin or Minnesota. Property taxes will be higher in Wisconsin but about the same as Illinois' in Minnesota.

Hiring a researcher... Your best bet is a real estate agent. (Under the full disclosure laws, I must tell you I am a licensed real estate broker in Illinois. But, I am not currently active in the business and can not help you find property.) An agent will have easy access to properties that fit your requirements.

Yah cool. Ido live in Illinois is why I am figuring doing something in the nearby proximity. Of course could consider moving the boat over to MO or around Ozark or something, but would like to do more intensive reasearch before deciding.Off hand do you know are there any agents who specialize in this type of property in Illinois regarding OFF GRID, survival, wilderness, rural. Found some Killer inflatable Concrete GEOdesics that i might like to implement as well. THanks for info!

I personally do not know an agent/broker who specializes in this type of property. But, that's because, again, I'm not actively in practice. I do recommend visiting a realtor in your area and explain your requirements. You are not required to hire them when you are seeking information. If they personally do not handle that type of property, they can usually recommend someone who does. Plus, most realtors belong to the MLS (multiple listings service). This means they can find properties that are handled by other realtors. When a property is chosen by you, both realtors will work on the sale and they agree to split the commission. The commission on a sale is set by your realtor and they decide the split. The second realtor has no say in the split either. (I have yet to see/hear of a sale that was halted because the second realtor didn't agree to the split. They want the property to sell because they still make money.) Currently, Commissions on sales are running on average between 5-7% in Illinois.

Anyway, that is how I would begin my search. Also, check out some of the 'for sale by owner' websites - such as . You might find what you're looking for through those.

Want to Buy Or Rent A Wilderness Vaction Home In Illinois!

Want to Buy Or Rent A Wilderness Vaction Home In Illinois!

Want to Buy Or Rent A Wilderness Vaction Home In Illinois!

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