For some reason on my last blog entry there are strange lines going through my photos... they are fine before they are uploaded then when i published the blog the lines are there - and not the same style of lines on all the photos either.
i didn't think too much of it, but they are still there, and i have just done another entry and previewed the blog and there are also lines on these ones as well!
anyone know why this could be? I don't want to publish the new entry until I can get it fixed.
It's unrelated to the blog. It's the photos themselves which are corrupt (those uploaded on the 5th, 13th and 16th of January all show the problem; I think two from the 27th and 30th of December as well; all others are fine). It could theoretically be caused by the resizing which we do, but it's more likely to be corrupt on your computer already. Unfortunately I can't tell, as I don't have access to the unaltered "original" photos - but you yourself should be able to tell by looking at that from the photo management area: Click on the "Download" link in the right "original" column (assuming you've opted to have those stored). If that photo shows similar lines, the cause almost certainly lies with your camera or any photo editing program you've used. (Or it might indicate that your hard disk is dying.) Otherwise it'll be most likely caused by our resizing software.
You can in any case preview the photos you want to use in your blog entry to determine if there's a problem, and if they look fine, then there also shouldn't be a problem with the blog entry.
[ 18-Jan-2012, at 15:06 by Sander ]

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