gay or gay friendly trav. bud.

So I would love to take a trip this year i have 3 to 6 week to kill anytime after May, i'm very flexible and open to suggestions but here are some of the places that i have not been to yet and would love to visit... south america maybe start in ecuador and work my way down though peru and end in bolivia other options would be indonesia, australia, europe mainly eastern europe, india... i usually do the solo thing but it would be awesome to find someone to share the adventure with, so hit me up and hopefully we can work something out :-)

hi! I will in italy and paris this july. Shoot me a message if ever you decide to go there too. Tnx!

Hey migs, how much time where you looking to spend in italy? I'm keeping all options open.. thanx...

Hi banshee,

i am going to be going to India from the 5th of June and will be there for 45 days. travelling on to after that. if you are interested in coming to india PM me and we can sort something out.



Hi Banshee!

I will be in rome this july 28 to 31. What are your plans?

Hey migs!

i have booked for aussie and japan but i wish u luck.. have a great trip!

i hope you can go to Philippines too.!

you know what fighterfox! not this time but I defiantly will and soon i hope, it looks amazing

[ 26-Apr-2012, at 20:52 by 1banshee ]

gay or gay friendly trav. bud.

gay or gay friendly trav. bud.

gay or gay friendly trav. bud.

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