Toristic Gold Mining

Tory-Vic has indicated that this thread is about Arizona

Sorry Tory - members and moderators can't change a title once it has been posted. But, I think people will understand what you meant to really type. If you want to alter your content within the body of a post, you have one hour to edit it before the option disappears.

I can't help with panning for gold either. If you ever get to North Carolina, Hidden Emerald Mine is well known for the assorted precious and semi-precious gem stones on the property. They offer several ways to find them and don't 'seed' things just so you feel lucky. (It was fun and found some cool stuff.)

Good luck!

aaaaa, may be I better go there then???? I will try to find some info about it!
and thanks!

Here's the link: (sorry for the incorrect name):

Just using their sluicing buckets I found . Won't make me rich but outside of Arkansas, Hiddenite has the largest deposit of emeralds and amethyst. Idaho has the largest deposits of garnets in various colors.

The photo is just a portion of what two of us brought home.

thanks a lot for the link, I absoltely loved these guys.
I really am planning to go there!
Did you go there alone? I mean only 2 of you? or did you join some other group?
Did you have that lesson the offer or you just went down to find something? Could you please tell me a bit more of how did you do it?
I didnt find any info about small groups or privat tours on there web, only about big school groups.
I e-mailed them anyaway and hope they will fine something for me.

The best places to do gold mining is either in the Sierra Nevada mountains of California, near the old Comstock Lode (Virginia City, Nevada), or all the way up in Alaska or else in the Yukon state in Canada.

Okay, first a few basics. There is actually a show on TV here called Gold Rush, where they followed seven individuals who moved from Oregon to Alaska thinking they would get rich doing gold mining. Since none of them knew anything about gold mining, it showed all the mistakes they made--and how they essentially all went broke--even all the way through two complete years in Alaska.

Now the good news. They are many tours in California that will show you just the basics and allow you to actually pan for gold in the rivers of the Sierras--and most times, you will find at least some gold--although getting rich is probably not likely--although with the way the price of gold is going up--who knows?

When I was in college here in California, I had some friends who went gold mining each summer--and claimed they made enough to pay for their tuition and room and board for the school year by doing so. So, I guess it can be done--and this was back when gold was only around $140 an ounce, not the $1,600 per ounce it is now.

P.S. They do not put sample flakes in the river--and then expect you to be exciting by finding it. First, it would cost them too much--and most of it would wash away. They will actually expect you to mine a section of the river by digging out dirt--and then separating the gold flakes (and hopefully, nuggets) from the dirt--and then get excited by that. There really is still gold in those hills--and also in Virginia City. You have to realize that the mining methods back in the 1850s was not as good as nowadays--so the gold is still there--and sometimes you can get lucky--though I imagine they own the "claim" and only allow you to mine it as long as you don't find too much gold. Once they think you might be onto something, then they will kick you out and bring in the mining experts to see if there really is something worth mining on a large scale.

Also, there is something called "fools gold"-- a different mineral called pyrite--which looks similar. A simple way to tell whether you found gold or pyrite is to strike it with a steel hammer. Gold is soft, so it will flatten or change shape. Pyrite is hard, so it will give off sparks and not flatten.

Anyway, enjoy your tour--and good luck.

[ 06-Apr-2012, at 21:12 by Calcruzer ]

Toristic Gold Mining

Toristic Gold Mining

Toristic Gold Mining

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