Do Spanish people dislike Americans now?

laurim has indicated that this thread is about Spain

Well I have certainly never observed any anti-American feeling or anti-foreigner graffitti in our part of Spain - we live quite near Malaga where there is a large foreign student population with many from the USA. We have American Bed + Breakfast guests here from Thursday so I will ask them if they have felt uncomfortable in any way whilst touring the country but I will be very surprised if they say yes.

By the way, forget all about American tipping practices - 5% maximum in a restaurant and just round up to the next Euro in taxis. Also leaving a tip in hotel rooms on a daily basis, which Americans do have a reputation for, won´t get you any better service and is just laughed at.

Smile and be polite to locals and you will be warmly welcomed - wear your US T-Shirts with pride. Have a great trip.

Most Spanish would more likely assume you are British as there are so many her. I have found the Spanish to be a very tolerant live and let live people. I come from Canada, and I have been here 12 years and I have never seen evidence of anything like that.

Well, being from Minnesota I assume I would sound more Canadian, eh? Back in the '80s and '90s, the advice for American travelers was to have a Canadian flag on your pack so people wouldn't hate you I just do my best to not be the "ugly American". When I toured with other Americans in my early days of traveling, I saw evidence of those people so I know I'm not that.

I'm glad to hear this from you both. In my heart, I know that usually the people who say the locals don't like Americans are people who aren't so likable all on their own and don't want to admit it

[ 03-Apr-2012, at 13:50 by laurim ]

I have an American accent and so everyone assumes I'm American. Except for Canadians, who think I'm distinctly Canadian.

If there are people who dislike Americans, they've always had that attitude, even in a good economy. And probably hate everyone else, so why bother.

I've been to Spain many times over the last three decades and have been on the Costa del Sol for the last seven months and have not seen any evidence that the Spanish hate anyone.

'Do Spanish people dislike Americans now?' - If there is a problem which is discussed occasionally, and has been around for a number of years, it is with American government foreign policy. However, most people who might discuss this are intelligent and know enough to realise it is a government and not an individual's policy. No one will be inconsiderate enough to attempt a discussion with you on this subject or any other which might cause offence.

Any thought of being not liked when you are here, will maybe because you shout and/or insist on being understood in your own language, (which I still find a couple of times a year).

[ 04-Apr-2012, at 12:04 by WomBatt ]

Do Spanish people dislike Americans now?

Do Spanish people dislike Americans now?

Do Spanish people dislike Americans now?

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