Travelling across america for 3months any do's and don'ts?

Hi, I'm travelling from New York in June 2012 and all the way to California finishing in September.
I was planning on taking roughly $4500 but I'm slightly worried I will be on a tight budget the whole time.
Paying for food, accomodation, greyhound, AMtrack, experiences etc.
I'd really appreciate any advice that may benefit this trip! Also anyone thats doing anything similar, drop me a message if you want to share ideas.
Thanks alot.

hey Josh, not sure what you itinerary is or what states and cities you have in mind but if you stick with traveling through the coastal states it can be a bit expensive, I suggest you do greyhound over amtrack when you have the option to or you might want to skip some boring states and or cities and use some of the budget airlines like airtran, frontier, south west, spirit, jet blue, midwest and virgin... oh also get your student discount many places offer it..

I'm currently working out my budget for three months. I leave next month! I've worked out $85 a day which is which is around $7900 over three months. I'm worried that even this isn't enough - and I'm planning on staying in hostels! Good luck mate but I think it may be a very tight one for you. You could look at 'WWOOF'ing. Which is fruit picking in return for free accommodation and food.

Just work out what your spendings would be per day. For accomodation and food it doesn't seem enough to me. Good luck!

Sorry i realised my first post was a bit vague. My rough itinerary is to spend 2-3 weeks in New York City, then I want to head north and check out Boston, Niagra Falls for a short while. Then I was hoping to head south and stay with a friend's family in New Jersey for a short while. I was going to go through virginia, north carolina, south carolina etc. however after what you mentioned '1banshee' I'm thinking of staying inland like Kentucky, Tennesse to save money.

The rest as follows..
- Florida
- Alabama
- New Orleans
- Texas
- New Mexico
- Las vegas
- Grand Canyon
- San Francisco
- Los Angeles

@t00t thanks for the heads up, looks as though I've got some money saving to get on with!! I've checked out 'WWOOF'ing and it looks great, although someone posted that you have to have a working visa to be eligable to volunteer? Good luck also with your trip!

Thanks so much guys for your advice, really appreciate it!

You don't need a working visa for WWOOF'ing. See below from the offical WWOOFUSA website:

9. Will WWOOF help me get a visa or work permit?

No, we can not help you get a visa as we do not have capability to do this. You are responsible to make your own visa arrangements. WWOOF is not paid work, and WWOOF organizations can not help you obtain a work visa. Joining WWOOF-USA® is not a means to getting a visa or work permit. Most people outside the United States who come WWOOFing use a holiday or tourist visa. Worldwide Opportunities On Organic Farms (WWOOF-USA®) is a non-profit organization that facilitates an exchange of culture and education by connecting domestic and international travelers with sustainability-minded hosts throughout the United States and its territories. Although many of the hosts on our network are associated with organic gardening and sustainability, it is important to note that persons associated with WWOOF-USA® are travelers experiencing a wide variety of sustainable living situations and are not "workers" or "working" for wages or other remuneration in the United States or in any other nation. The United States has extremely strict labor and immigration laws that prohibit foreign nationals from "working" in the country without a valid work authorization and visa. Travelers from outside the United States utilizing the WWOOF-USA® network are encouraged to avoid misunderstandings with immigration officials by honestly explaining that you will be visiting a variety of places on the network to learn more about the United States and its various sustainability movements. Persons who attempt to "work" in the United States without authorization or who wrongly explain their travels in the United States through WWOOF-USA® as "working" can be denied entry to the United States and subjected to other immigration consequences. If you encounter any immigration issues, you can directly contact our Immigration lawyer, Michael Albers. His phone number is (310) 910-3755 and his email is mike[@]

You will need to get a 90 day visa like I have, see below:

Ah that's brilliant news! Yeh i got my esta through last month so thats all good. Thanks alot, I'm sure you've just saved me alot of money but given me some work to get on with whilst out there haha!

When you say you got your esta 'through' do you mean you just got confirmation that it was approved or did you get a hard copy or something? I ask because I never recieved anything - just approval on their website but nothing to printout.


No haven't recieved a hard copy. I've just got a confirmation email like you.
When date are you due to return? We might be around the same are around the same time?

23rd July mate. I've no idea where I'll be. Hopefully around Florida somewhere... maybe even the Bahamas if I get a bit more money. It all depends on who I meet and what happens... Plans are not being made... I'm just going with the flow!

Hit me up if you're around at this time mate. I might be able to introduce you to the local crew!

Those 2-3 weeks in NYC will probably eat up most of your 4.5K - everything very expensive in NY, and Manhattan seems to be twice the price of places like Queens and Brooklyn

You might want to consider a more northerly route since you're coming in summer. Texas will be broiling in August!

Where is your friend's place in NJ, I used to live in that state (quite good beaches in jersey)

Travelling across america for 3months any do's and don'ts?

Travelling across america for 3months any do's and don'ts?

Travelling across america for 3months any do's and don'ts?

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