currently on the west coast of Malaysia with 2 friends, travelling down to Indonesia soon. I have about 10 days, potentially 2 weeks after they fly home until I have to be in tempted by Borneo but think its expensive. I'd want to do a jungle trek trip and orangutans but think a proper trip would be so expensive but not sure how else to go about it. Any advice would be great!!
(solo traveller)
I would definately reccommend you to go to Borneo, it doesn't have to be a big expense!
You can get really cheap flights from KL to Kota Kinabalu (Sabah) KK is a beautiful city and you can get cheap hostels and guesthouses there, there are beautiful tropical islands just a boat ride away and a beautiful mosque and market (amazing fish there)
From Kota Kinabalu you can get a bus to Sandakan, here you can do jungle trips.
If you want to do a jungle trip I would 100% reccommend Uncle Tans, we spent 3 days 2 nights there (it's not too expensive I don't think), it's a backpacker type tour. It's a real jungle experience, we managed to spot gibbons, crocodiles, lots of monkeys, orungatans and you can spot elephants there (we weren't so lucky but my friends did)
just near the Uncle Tans base where you meet up (not the actual jungle that you will be staying in) there is Sepilok Orungatan rehabilitation centre, we loved this because the orangutans come so close to you and there are no barriers or cages it was amazing!
I think once you are willing to not drink alot of alcohol there and eat the local food (amazing indian food) then you should be fine!
thanks so much...I've booked it! very excited. Thanks for your great advice, I wouldn't have known about it if I didn't post on here!
I'm glad you booked it, you won't be disapointed! have fun

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